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We were all up very early today. We were up even before sunrise. We were all busy loading up supplies, maps and oars and other important stuff onto our boats to do my suggestion: take two voyages; one to find Yolgana and the other to find Miguel and bring him to it. Despite all the artefacts and the information scrolls Nicla brought up, we learnt very little more from them since we learnt about Nicla and Yolgana three days ago. Grand Pabbie could read the language on the information scrolls that no one else could, but he said even those didn't tell him a lot more. Despite our doubts of everyone including myself about these voyages, we couldn't think of any other ideas, let alone better ones. Not even the wise Grand Pabbie, who knew the most of magic in the whole wide world, couldn't think of a single better idea. Though he used his magic to find Yolgana and he couldn't find anything to prove otherwise, he wasn't certain it was accurate and he couldn't find what dangers might await for them like monsters or tidal waves or giant whirlpools or even like a seagull's dropping. But all we could find about it was all the information the team to find Miguel needed for their mission. Grand Pabbie tried to find Miguel himself, but all he could find were places that his god family and their monster army had been and destroyed. Every time he found a place that his family had destroyed always looked devastating and made us more determined to try to rescue Miguel and stop his god family once and for all

So we spent the last three days checking the boats for the voyages were still in the right condition for the job and cutting down trees to make new brand-new ones to replace or make up for those that could not sail along with going over Nicla's collection to make sure we understood everything we could about it and not misunderstand the slightest detail and make sure that we could take all the supplies we need and leave some for those who were staying on the island because for various reasons they were unable to take part on these voyages.

It wasn't until sunrise that we were all ready to sail off. Sven desperately wanted to come on my team's mission, but I had to agree with everyone that these missions weren't suitable for animals or kids. Only human adults. Tulio wasn't going to allow Altivo to come and neither was Moana going to let Pua or Hei Hei come. But that didn't stop Sven from pleading, groaning and using his antlers to keep on persuading me to let him come on this mission.

"Sorry, Sven," I said to him for what I thought was the hundredth time. "But this isn't a job for reindeers."

"'But I would be very helpful, Kristoff'," I said in my voice talking for Sven.

"But you would be helpful here on this island," I said in my normal voice. "You can keep Kasper and Rika out of trouble. Do you promise me you will?"

"'Of course I promise," I said for Sven's voice.

"Thanks, buddy. Oh, I almost forgot. Be good to all the Northuldra." Then I gave him one last hug before Yelena came to me.

"I promise you, Kristoff, that the Northuldra will look after Sven like all our other reindeers," Yelena said. "But time is running out and I think you should join your team."

"Of course, Yelena," I said. "Goodbye, Sven." Then I gave him one last pat before I went to join the team to go and find Yolgana.

As I headed to my team, I saw Tulio with Altivo.

"Remember, Altivo," Tulio said. "Yelena may be the acting Chief of my whole island, but you're still the sentry of this island. In other words, I'm making you the secret chief of the island. Got it?"

Altivo nodded a firm nod.

"Also keep an eye on Benito and make sure he doesn't leave the island. I lost Chel and Miguel. I can't bear to lose my son."

Altivo nodded again. Then Tulio hugged him and the horse licked him before he walked off to joined his team. It contained Moana, Honeymaren, Ryder and a few of volunteers from New Motunui and a few Arendelle soldiers which Elsa transferred to them. I saw Moana saying goodbye to her pets Pua and Hei Hei.

Then I joined my team which also had Elsa, Olaf, General Mattias and a few Arendelle soldiers.


I turned to see Rika crying her eyes out. I bent down to hug her.

"Papa! Do you have to go?" Rika sobbed.

"I'm afraid I do," I said. "If we don't do this, the world will be in danger forever and your mama, Auntie Chel and Uncle Miguel will never be found."

"Why can't we come with you?"

I looked up to see Kasper had just joined us.

"Because as I said to you many times, Kasper," I said, "this mission is not for children. And don't you go sneaking off this island again. Understand?"

"All right, I promise," Kasper said moodily.

"Look, Kasper, I don't want you and your sister to go missing like your mama," I said. "So this must be a serious promise you're going to keep."

"A pinky promise, Papa?" Rika asked.

"That's right, Rika," I said. "A pinky promise. Can you pinky promise, Kasper?"

"Okay," Kasper said, sounding more serious this time. "I pinky promise."

"And so do I," Rika said.

"Good, good." Then I hugged my two kids. "Everything will be all right in the end, I promise." Then I let them go so they could hug and say goodbye to their Auntie Elsa and their friend Olaf. While they were doing that, I saw Tulio hugging his son Benito.

"Promise me that you won't go sneaking off the island, Benito," he said. "I lost your mother and Uncle Miguel. I can't lose you. So stay on this island and do whatever Yelena or Altivo tells you to do. Understand?"

"Okay, Dad," Benito said. "I promise. Good luck on your mission."

Ten minutes later, my team and Moana's team all reported to Acting Chief Yelena and all the people remaining on the island that all of us were ready to sail for our missions.

"Brave volunteers," Yelena said. "Whether we win or lose this war, this will be history in the making. You may be the first mortals in history to vanquish a bunch of gods and their army of monsters. If we die, it will be better to die doing the right thing than to live and serve the wrong thing. No matter how this turns out in the end, I wish you all nothing but a successful voyage. Good luck and may all of you come back alive and in one piece."

"All right, let's go!" Moana ordered her team, as they pushed their boats into the sea.

"General Mattias , give the orders," Elsa ordered.

In my team, we obeyed Mattias'  orders as we pushed our boats into the sea and sailed off.

As we sailed away, we waved to our families and friends as they waved and cheered us back until the island was out of sight.

We had been sailing for what I thought were two good hours of sailing. Then we halted the boats as Elsa studied one of the maps from Nicla's chest. I saw on Moana's boat that she was studying another.

"I think this is the part where Grand Pabbie said that we have to split up for our individual tasks," Moana called.

"I agree," Elsa called back. "Well, good look to your tasks."

"Thanks. You too."

Then Moana sailed to the right while we sailed to the left. We waved to each other until they were out of sight and turned to focus on our mission.

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now