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I woke up and I found only two people up. Boun who was steering his boat and Miguel who was just sitting there. It was still slow and painful, but I managed to get up and keep on standing up. I discovered that I could walk again, but only slowly. I managed to do a few steps, but then I lost balance and was about to fall over. Luckily, I was caught by Miguel and he help me back up. He even gave me a stick to help me walk and support my balance.

"You're doing very well, Chel," he said to me.

"Thanks, Miguel," I said. "None of us would even be alive if it weren't for you." Then I noticed that despite his usual smiley face, he looked tired. "You couldn't sleep at all last night?"

"No. I tried my best, but I just couldn't. Not after what I had to do. I don't know if I can ever sleep again. I don't know what to do with my life."

"Well, you must do what you want to do with your life," I told him. "You're very lucky to get revived and a second chance in life. Don't waste it. Do whatever you want to do with your life and don't waste it."

"That's the thing, Chel," Miguel said. "I don't know what I want."

"Well, I don't know what good this will do," I said, "but this is what Tulio, Benito and I are going to do after we get back to the island. We are going to take Nicla back home to the Southern Isles."

Yesterday, as we eat that delicious meal Boun cooked for us, Nicla was looking sad. When I asked her what was upsetting her, she told me that even though she was glad the war was won she missed her family, home and her old life and she just wanted to go back. She didn't care if the Southern Isles would accept her as queen or not. I talked to Tulio and Benito about it and they agreed to come with me and Nicla to the Southern Isles. I thought we might get some jobs there and Benito could get an education and make some new friends there.

"Land ho!" Boyn cried.

As everyone woke up and got up, Miguel and I looked at the island Boun was pointing to. We immediately recognised it as our island.

"Just think about what you want to do," I told Miguel, "but whatever you do you'll always be part of my family."

Then we all started to get ready for landing on our island.

Soon we arrived on my island and we were greeted by all of our family and friends that we left behind. Our horse Altivo came to greet me, Tulio, Benito and Miguel, while Sven the reindeer went to greet Kristoff, Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kasper and Rika and Hei Hei the roaster and Pua the pig greeted their owner Moana.

Then Yelena approached us. "Welcome back, my brave friends." Then she spotted Miguel. "I see you're alive, Miguel."

"Yes, Yelena," Miguel said. "And I'm no longer the Mortal Son of the Gods. As you can see, the war is over."

Everyone cheered again.

"Well done once again," Yelena said. "Now, this island is yours again."

"Thank you, Yelena," Miguel said, "But I'm not going to stay on this island anymore."

Everyone gasped.

"I have decided that with my second chance of life I'm going with Arendelle when they are ready to leave." Then he turned to Elsa. "If that's okay with you, Elsa."

"But of course," she said.

"And we are going to the Southern Isles to return Nicla home now that the war is over," Tulio said.

"But who will look after the island if the owners won't?" One person asked.

Then that started a worrying conversation.

"Attention, everyone, please," Miguel said.

But everyone kept on speaking.

"Attention, please!" Miguel tried again.

Then snowflakes were in the air. I discovered that they were coming from Elsa firing them in the air.

"Listen to Miguel," she said to everyone.

"Thank you, Elsa." Then Miguel turned to the people again. "I know only one person who is worthy to take over from me and my friends. She has proven herself many times over to be brave, caring, selfless and loyal to a fault."

"Who is she, Mr. Miguel?" a person asked.

"As my final act of lord of this island, I give this island to Chief Moana of New Motunui."

Everyone was surprised at first, including Moana herself, but then they all agreed she was the best choice.

"Are you sure I'm the best choice, Miguel?" Moana asked. "I mean I'm grateful for you and your friends giving me and my people this island, but maybe there will be someone better at ruling it than me."

"There isn't, Moana," Miguel said. "We wouldn't give this island to you if we didn't believe in you."

"That's right, Miguel," I said. Then I turned to Moana. "Like Miguel said, you are brave, caring, selfless and loyal to a fault. We all have every bit of confidence in you."

Then Miguel approached the crowd. "So, without further ado, I declare Moana of Montui the new chief of this island."

We all knelt to her.

"Thank you all very much for all of your support," Moana said. "As my first act of chief of this island, I shall call this whole island New Montuni."

We all stood up and applauded her.

Then Elsa approached her. "Chief Moana, because of all the good you and New Montuni have done for me and everyone in Arendelle, I would like to make an alliance between us."

Then Yelena approached Moana as well. "So would the Northuldra."

So did Raya. "And so would Kumandra."

Moana shook the hands of Elsa, Yelena and Raya. "New Montuni is happy to be friends and allies with Arendelle, the Northuldra and Kumandra."

"Chief Moana." Patlee approached the new chief and bowed before her. I forgot about Paititi."

"As the remaining son of the chief of Paititi," Patlee said, "I must request for my people that we remain on New Montuni. We have sailed for months and we have found no island suitable for our needs until we found this one. If you will let us live here, we will happily live your rule and your laws, I swear."

Moana thought about it and then she smiled at him. "Done, Patlee." Then she shook hands with him. Then we all cheered.

For the rest of the day, we celebrated a lot of stuff. One was celebrating the war we won, the second thing was celebrating of Miguel coming back to life and the third thing was celebrating Moana becoming the chief of the island and giving her people and Patlee and his family a place to live.

I bumped into my brother. "Well done for finally finding your people a home," I told him.

"Thanks, Chel," he said. "And you were great yourself, surviving as a mermaid after being turned into one and helping us to win this war."

"Thanks, Patlee." Then I broke down into tears as I hugged him. I couldn't stay mad at him any longer. After all, he was the only triplet brother I had. "I missed you so much," I sobbed.

He was crying himself. "I missed you too. If it's all right with you, I would like to come to the Southern Isles and visit you and your family some time."

"That would be lovely," I said. "And I know you'll love this island."

"Yeah, under Chief Moana's rule," he said.

"Oh, found the girl of your dreams, have you?" I wasn't teasing.

"Oh, come on! That's not even –"

I just couldn't help but have a laugh as we continued to party.

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now