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I gasped along with the god family, Delphino, my family and friends as we watched Miguel choose.

"Miguel, what have you done?" Tulio asked.

We were all shocked to see Miguel was standing not on one stone but both stones!

"Miguel, why?" I asked. "Why both stones?"

But he didn't say anything or even look at us. He just sighed and looked up to the ceiling. "Ruler of all this magic and powers, I am the Mortal Son of the Gods! I am here to give my life to you in exchange for one thing and thing only: that this war ends! Whatever I must to, this war must end forever!" Then he looked back down to face us with tears pouring down his eyes. "Goodbye, everyone. I love you all."

"Miguel, no! No!" We all kept repeating that as we watched Miguel did nothing but stand still as he started to vanish into thin air. All that remained of him was his red shirt, brown trousers, brown belt and brown shoes on the two circles.

My family, friends and I all started to break down into tears as we mourned our very dear friend. Then we heard screaming coming from both Miguel's god family and Delphino. They were glowing different colours as they screamed. When they stopped glowing, they stopped screaming. Then they tried a lot of things like vanishing or shooting magical bolts at each other, but they had no success.

"Does this mean that we're mere mortals again?" Aulder gasped.

"For you, again, yes," Delphino said. "But I am now a mere mortal for the first time in my life! It sucks!"

So that was why Miguel stepped on both stones: so that both sides lost all their powers. Now they were mortal again or for the first time (the former for Miguel's family and the latter for Delphino), they had powers no more. Then I noticed Tzekel-Kan who was just standing there. He was the only one who wasn't sad or depressed. In fact, he was smiling with glee.

"What are you up to, Tzekel-Kan?" I demanded.

"What am I up to?" Tzekel-Kan laughed. "That's a funny way to start serving your new god?"

"How are you a god?" Tulio asked. "You have no more powers than you have already."

Then the room turned dark with green lights flying around.

"But I still have more powers than all of you," Tzekel-Kan said. "Now that these former gods have none and your magical friends are cuffed and will remained cuffed up until the day they die and Miguel is no more, no one will stop me ruling the world."

"Tzekel-Kan, did you know Miguel had to step on both those stones for all of this to happen?" I demanded. "Did you manipulate him to do it?"

"Those are a lot of questions to ask your new god," Tzekel-Kan said. "I have researched about those circles and I knew one or the other would work, but I did not know both would. Luckily, Miguel was either brave or stupid enough or both to try what he did, but I am very pleased that it was a success. Now, come on. Don't be too upset. His death has not been for nothing."

To us, his death was for nothing and devastating as he was no longer with us and Tzekel-Kan had won the war.

"Now, that this mission of mine is finally complete, a new age will begin. I think I will call this one the age of –"

Then I groaned. And so did Chel. After Tzekel-Kan stopped his dark and green light magic, he looked very surprised as we all were. Chel and I saw our mermaid tails glowing like gold and continued to groan until they stopped glowing. Then what I saw wasn't my mermaid tail at all but my legs and my feet. They were back! Then I looked at Chel and saw she had her legs and feet back instead of a mermaid tail as well. We couldn't believe it. Neither could anyone else, even Tzekel-Khan. He was still surprised at what he saw.

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now