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I slept for the first time since I came back to life, but I still got up bright and early. I couldn't sleep anymore, but I felt that I had enough. Since I knew I was leaving this island today, I decided to have a walk around it in case I never came back here ever again. I hoped that I would come back to it, but as everyone knew that life is unpredictable and you just had to make the most out of it whenever you can. Now that I was given a second chance, I was going to take life for granted less than I ever did.

As I walked around my island, a lot of good memories of it came back to me. It reminded me of the day when my friends and I discovered it and decided to live here. I remember seeing the beautiful trees, bushes and the delicious fruit it provided for the first time. I remembered the days when Tulio and I built the houses that we lived in. I already started to miss them along with the beautiful lake for bathing or just for swimming.

When I came to the large and beautiful beach, I thought it was the very thing on this island that I would miss the most. I would miss the warm and soft sand the most. It always helped me to relax. Then I saw someone who was also up on it. It was the island's new chief Moana. When I approached her, she told me that she was going to do some fishing and invited me to join her, which I agreed to.

We sailed off from the island and found a good spot for it. Then I took off my red shirt and Moana took off her skirt revealing her dark red swim briefs. We dived and did our fishing together. About an hour later, we caught a lot of fish and we decided to take a break on her boat.

"You know, you really are a great help with this, Miguel," Moana said. "I'm really going to miss you."

"And I'm going to miss you, too, Moana," I said. "Before I leave you, I just want you to know that I know you're a great person and that you are one of my very best friends and always will be and that I will never forget you ever."

Moana giggled. "Thanks, Miguel. And you'll always be one of my best friends and I will never forget you either."

"Thanks, Moana."

We smiled at each other for a long time and then we leaned in for a presumably one last kiss. Then we heard a cry for help. As we rowed to that cry for help, we saw another boat that was turned over and there was a man trapped under it. He wasn't drowning, just struggling to get free from it. I lifted the boat up to give Moana the chance to pull the man up. When we brought him onto the boat, we saw that the man was Patlee.

"Thanks, guys," he said.

"What are you doing out here, Patlee?" I asked.

"I thought I'd do some fishing," he explained. "It's my favourite hobby. I used to do it all the time in El Dorado and Paititi. Only thing is I've always done it in rivers and lakes. I've never done it in the sea."

"Well, fishing in the sea is a lot different to fishing in a river, Patlee," Moana said. "But if you like, I can teach you."

"Would you, Chief?" Patlee cried. "I would be very grateful."

"Take it from me, Patlee," I said. "Moana is a very good teacher. She will teach you more than just fishing in the sea. Well, I certainly learnt a lot from her when she came to this island."

"Hey, guys," Moana said. "Looks like the island is fully awake and readying the ships for leaving."

I looked ahead on the island and I saw how right she was.

"We'd better get you back, Miguel," Moana said, "before the ship to Arendelle sails."

Moana and Patlee row the boat we were on while I held onto Patlee's smaller boat that he fell off earlier. As they rowed, I saw Moana and Patlee smiling and blushing at each other. I had a certain feeling that they were going to be all right once I left the island.

We arrived back at the island and we saw everyone was already loading the boats up with their supplies and weapons they used in the war.

Once everything was loaded and the wind was in the right direction, according to Mattias, it was time for everyone to board the boats and we all said goodbye to everyone. I said goodbye to everyone who were staying on the island and shook their hands. Then I moved to Patlee and we embraced.

"Goodbye, Miguel," he said. "And thank you for letting me and my people stay on your island."

"Goodbye, Patlee," I said. "And once again, thank you to you and your people for rescuing me and helping us to win this war."

"No problem," he said.

"Good luck with everything in the future," I said, before I moved to Moana.

"New Motunui wouldn't have even been able to start to exist if it weren't for you and your friends, Miguel," she said. "So, thank you for everything." She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"No problem," I said. "And thank you for everything you and your people have done for us."

Then she gave me a kiss on my lips.

"Thanks, Moana," I said. "And good luck. Bye, Pua. Bye, Hei Hei."

As I waved goodbye to Moana and her pets while I headed to the boat I was taking, I was starting to feel guilty about leaving her.

As I went to the boat, I saw Patlee with Chel, who was sobbing.

"I'm sorry I was so mad with you, Patlee," Chel said. "I wish I forgave you earlier."

"I understand, Chel," Patlee said. "These things are very hard to forgive. I'm just really glad you're still alive."

"And I'm glad you're alive too," she said. "I promise I'll come back here and see you as possible as I can."

"I'd like that a lot."

Then Chel hugged her triplet brother and then it was time for her to board our boat. Once everyone was boarded, all the ramps were brought up, weighed the anchors and soon we were sailing away.

As we sailed away from the island, we all waved goodbye to our new friends and allies: the people of New Montui. They waved to us back, with Chief Moana and Patlee in front of them and even holding hands together. The further we sailed away from them and the island, the more I started to miss them. But it still didn't change my mind about going back to Arendelle and be with Elsa, the woman I've loved the most during my life.

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now