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It had been about two days since my team and I left my island and yet we kept on sailing without a break. We were doing that for two reasons. The first one was because we were determined to find Miguel and the second one was because we hadn't come across any islands to stop to get fresh water and supplies or to even find a spot to sleep. All of us did manage to take a few (and very rough) naps every now and then.

Our admiral of the fleet, Moana, ran a tight but fair fleet and she made sure everyone was busy. She gave Ryder the job of overseeing the supplies and fresh water for every boat and making sure no one could take more than anyone else including Admiral Moana herself. Honeymaren was given the job of chief navigator. She was given that job because she had been sailing with Moana every day for fishing and collecting and harvesting whatever food and fresh water they could find since the day she came to my island. And I had to admit she was very good at it; much better than I would ever be at it. As for me, Moana gave me the job of overseeing the oars and get them ready for times like when there would no wind for the sails. When it came to that, I would have to throw oars to the other boats around us and made sure my boat would have enough for it. You would think that would be one of the simplest jobs in the world, but the waves underneath the boat made it difficult, not to mention they made me fall off the boat more than once.

It wasn't sunset that we spotted to a small island and even though we hadn't found Miguel yet, it was getting quite late and we were all tired and sleepy. Ryder told us that the supplies and fresh water were running low and need to collect new stuff. Moana herself had to agree and ordered everyone to head for that island.

Once our boats reached the beach and we got off, Moana addressed us. "Okay," she said. "Honeymaren and Ryder will take some volunteers to find whatever supplies this island can provide. Tulio will take some more to find shelter or stuff to build shelters. Whoever stays behind will help me unload the boats and guard them. Okay, good luck."

Then we all went off to do our jobs.

I told the volunteers (some were Arendelle and some were from New Motunui) who came with me to be very quiet and be alert as possible, even though I made a few noises every time I fell down or bumped into a tree or other stuff like that.

We searched everywhere on this island for shelter. Despite this island being full of huge trees, not one of them could provide shelter for one man. There weren't even many fallen branches on the ground to make one either.

"Mr. Tulio," an Arendelle soldier called. "What do you make of this?"

I looked ahead and saw that he was standing in front of something which I thought was a cave. Judging by the look on the outside, I thought it would be big enough for the fleet to take shelter. I didn't want to make that decision to bring everyone in here until we checked the inside. I chose the volunteers to come with me while I told the other volunteers to stay here in case anything happened to me.

The men who came with me found some giant sticks to be used as torches, lit them, gave one to me and I led them further into this dark and mysterious cave.

The further my team and I went into the cave, the longer and darker it became. Despite the flaming torches shining as brightly as they could, they weren't showing much light. They weren't even helping us to see if we were going to trip over a few holes or tread on any animal, which I did a few times.

Then suddenly the flames on our torches went out. It must have been magic because there was no wind or waterdrops on the ceiling above us.

"Stay where you are, guys," I said to my men. "And stay calm. Whatever we do, we mustn't panic." Though I tried to hold it in as best as I could, I felt that I couldn't and had to let out a scream.

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now