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It had been three days since Anna and I met our new friends from Paititi and found an island to stay on. Most of them had been busy unloading their stuff from their fleet and setting up some tents on the beach. They had never even heard of tents before let alone how to build one and I wasn't a tent expert as El Dorado never needed one and I didn't need them since I left with Tulio, Miguel and Altivo, but Anna was a tent expert because she used to go out and play in them when she was younger and when she went on long trips with Kristoff to help him break and deliver ice to Arendelle. As she was a mermaid, she couldn't help them build the tents, but she told them what to get and explained to them how to build them. With what the island could provide and how little knowledge and experience they had, everyone including myself was amazed how well they built their tents for the first efforts.

While most of everyone was building tents and harvesting food they could find on the island, my brother Patlee, his stepbrother Chief Lllapa and their remaining councillors had been searching around the island and have been trying to find the safest and securest area to build their new city, calling it New Paititi.

As for me and Anna, we were still busy doing our patrol jobs. "Patrol mermaids," Anna called us. We would swim under the sea around the island and check that our friends were safe from sea monsters and other dangers every hour, especially for the ones that went out to fish on the sea. In return for our services, Lllapa offered us food and built us a tent that we could enter without getting out of the sea.

"What's wrong, Chel?"

I nearly fell of the rock that Anna and I usually sat on near the beach and I nearly dropped my breakfast which was a banana.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Anna said.

"That's all right, Anna," I said. "I'm okay. And nothing's wrong with me."

"I know it's none of my business, but you seemed more stressed and miserable ever since we met up the Paititi tribe," Anna said. "Is it your beef with your brother?"

I didn't really want to talk about it because it was too painful. I didn't even tell Tulio, Miguel or Benito about it because it was that too painful. But Anna had been like my best friend – maybe even my only friend – for the last three months and I felt like I needed to tell someone, even though I didn't want to, because bottling it up inside me wasn't helping me. I did a deep sigh before I began.

"I'm just struggling to forgive Patlee for leaving me and our other brother Yaotl in El Dorado to save his own skin and forgetting us like we weren't triplets," I told Anna. "Like we never even existed. Then Tzekel -Kan had Yaotlsacrificed for attempt for desertion and I was sentenced to clean the gods' temple for several months. And then I tried to move on and have a boyfriend. We had a good loving relationship and we were about to marry, but then, to no one's surprise, Tzekel-Kan had him sacrificed."

"For what?" Anna asked.

I sighed again. "For stealing herbs from the temple of the gods for trying to heal some sick children from the plague. Even though it cured the children and my brother said he did it as a good service in the good name of the gods, Tzekel-Kan still said that stealing from the gods was the worst crime of all and nothing could be justified, no matter how good his intentions were, and he had to be sacrificed. That was when I couldn't take living in El Dorado anymore and I had to leave as soon as I could."

"I didn't leave you or Yaotl in El Dorado on purpose."

Anna and I looked ahead to see Patlee in front of us.

"I thought you guys were right behind me," he went on. "Honest. It was only when I came to a cave that I realised that you weren't with me. I mean, I was always the fastest; that was my main strength. Yaotl's was the brains and yours was beauty."

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now