Part 9~flashback

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"She is such a bitch" 


"She is definitely a lesbian"


"What even is she, goth?" You hear all of the whispers around you, everyone judging you. Someone runs into you, knocking your stuff down.

"What the hell watch where you're going next time! Bitch!" It was it was Catie Holmes. She had dated Luke for a while. You never knew what Luke had seen in her, but it was something you would never see. 

"Fuck off," you mumbled. 

"What did you say?" She sounded offended. 

"I said fuck off," you said a little louder at this point you didn't care what she thought.

"Shut the hell up! Your such a little bitch!! EVERYONE HATES YOU!" She yelled.

"Chill out bitch," you said, knowing this would piss her off. Your voice remained calm as you gently nudged her closer to the tipping point. 

"ME? ARE YOU TELLING ME TO CHILL? YOU'RE SUCH A FAT BITCH! GO CUT YOURSELF!! Or even better slit your wrist, just like your brother. I mean everyone loved him, not you though. Everyone hates you because you're fat and lonely," you knew what you had said would piss her off, but you didn't know she was going to drag Jake into this.

"Too far Holmes, too far," you said clinching your fists. 

"What are you going to do about it?" She said, then she slapped her hand across your face, it wasn't hard, but it was hard enough and unexpected that it made you turn your head.

"Is that all you got?" You smirked. She slapped you a little harder, it still wasn't the most painful slap ever. You punched her right in her nose. Someone took the stuff from your hands. In fights people always wanted you to win, but when it came to walking in the hall, people wanted you to feel as small as possible. Someone else grabbed your backpack after you dropped it on the ground. That's when you realized that there was a circle of kids around you and Catie. Catie lunged to grab your hair. You kicked her knee, making her lose her balance for a few seconds. Before she could regain footing, you punched her. Just below her rib cage. She lost her breath for a second. Before you knew it you two were on the ground hair pulling. Kicking. Slapping. Anything to do the most damage. You knew what would get you kicked out (if you two got caught, which would most likely happen) and what would get her kicked out. You kneed her a couple times. She was on top of you, making her look like the more aggressive one to a teacher. Suddenly you get her being pulled. Someone was breaking up the fight. You kicked her off of you. Looking up to see who was pulling on her. It was a couple teachers. You glanced around, just as Luke, Calum, and Michael break through the crowd, it only took them one glance to figure out what had happened. 

You had a bloody nose, a couple bruises, and a cut on your cheek. You sat in the nurse's office. Luke, Calum, and Michael were all with you. You had a headache. Luke stared at you and smirked. In fact, all three of them did. It was kind of confusing at first, but then you figured that they thought she was a bitch and deserved it.

"Alright, by the looks of you, it seems like all you have is a couple bruises and that cut," the nurse said motioning towards the cut on your cheek. "I need to go check on that other girl, but I will be back." The second the nurse left the room, the boys started to giggle. 

"What?" You asked.

"Why would you beat the shit out of her?" Luke giggled.

"Because she pissed me off," that's all you said and that's all you wanted to say, but you didn't feel the need to explain yourself either.

A/N~ sorry for the shitty chapter. I'm really sorry, I haven't posted in so long.

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