14~Waking Up Dead

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My eyes flickered open, a nurse was standing by my bedside. "Good morning darling." 

"Where the hell am I?" I thought as I had no idea what had happened. The nurse shrugged and picked up a clipboard and turned to walk out of the room.


She turned back to me and said, "You tried to kill yourself and you just woke up from a coma." I looked at her confused and she continued to walk out of the room, another one came in soon after she looked much nicer, as she peered in at me she smiled

"I'm glad to see your awake, someone is here to see you, they said their name is Brooke. Do you want me to send her in?" she asked, I nodded. "Okay I will go get her, if you need me just press the call button, I will check up on you every 30 minutes or so, lunch is in an hour and dinner is at 6, we are going to help you Y/N." She said smiling then she left the room again, I looked around but there wasn't anything to really look at, this hostpital was like most of the others I had been in, all light colors, a TV, a window, and a bathroom off to the side. I had a heart monitor and what looked like a breathing tube  off to the side, I must have used it when I was in the coma. My sister came into the room and pulled up a chair next to me. 

"Hey," she said, as she forced a smile, "our foster mom is at work right now, and they won't let her off her shift but she said she would come the second that she got off. You really scared her this time. Frick, you scared me." 

I shrugged, I really wanted to care but for some reason I really just couldn't.

"God, why can't you care? You could be taken away from me you know?! You and I could never see each other again! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IN A FUCKING MENTAL HOSPITAL? CAUSE THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE HEADED!" Brooke yelled, a boy who looked to be about her age came running into the room and put a hand on her shoulder and she shrugged his hand off and pushed past him leaving the room. He followed right behind her. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

When I woke up my foster mom was sitting next to me she smiled when I looked over at her, I took a deep breathe

"The social security worker will be here tomorrow to ask you questions about what happened. You will most likely be here for 2-4 weeks for treatment for your anorexia, depression, and suicidal thoughts. You are very lucky to be alive, be glad your sister was home when she was," she stated.

"I'm only lucky in your eyes," I said as I looked past her to the window.

"You do realize that most people wouldn't have survived what you did," she shot back.

"I know most people wouldn't have survived, that's why I did it, because I want to be fucking dead! I don't want to keep breathing!" I half yelled half croaked. I knew I should have tried a different method, not something that was so fixable.

"Y/N, you're going to have to have a better explanation for the social worker tomorrow, or you will never see your sister again," she said challenging me, I narrowed my eyes stiffening my whole face.

"Watch me" I dared, I had already lost all of my other 3 siblings in the foster care system. My twin brother had committed suicide a few years ago when we were still all with my mom, only from there my parents got a divorce, Brooke and I went with our mom and the other 3 went with our dad. Of course my dad married some rich ass bitch who ended up abusing them and they were taken away, or at least that's what the paper said. Brooke and I were taken away, when our mum got arrested for drugs. The plan was to piece back together all of us kids but it didn't work because the other 3 ended up getting adopted by a family who wouldn't take me and Brooke. 

The nurse came back in and smiled at me she could see that me and my foster mum where having an argument "Alright, Mrs. Delvin, Y/N and I need to go down to the cafe for dinner, and visiting hours are over, you may come back tomorrow if you would like." 

Mrs. Delvin (AKA my devil of a foster mum) nodded and walked out of the room. 

"We never had a proper introduction, I'm Erica, I'll be the nurse that will watch over you for most of your stay here." She said smiling, "Now, Y/N, lets get you out of this bed and down to dinner" as she disappeared into the bathroom, I got up from bed , I felt my back get cold. She reappeared with a robe in her hand, she held it out to me "you're going to need this." I slipped the robe on and we walked out of the room together. 

When we arrived at the cafe I looked around, Erica was walking in front of me I was walking closely behind her.  She turned her head over her shoulder and asked, "What's your favorite food?"

"I don't have one, I have barely eaten anything in the past 6 months," I said trotting up so I was walking beside her. She gave me a half frown then continued to smile.

"Well the salads here are pretty good, so lets start with that," she said. This was the first time I had really gotten to actually see her up close, she had light brown hair, freckles on her cheeks, and emerald green eyes. I had noticed that she was always smiling, she seemed quite thin and she was probably a few inches taller then the average height. She looked like she was in her mid-20s. 

We both got salads and drinks, she got a diet coke and I got a water. She scanned the cafe and then started walking over to one of the tables, which 6 people where already sitting at (3 nurses, 3 patents). She sat down at the table and I sat down across from her. 

"Everyone this is Y/N," she said smiling, before taking a fairly large bite of her salad.

"Hi! I'm Cody!" A fairly heavy boy said, he had dulled green eyes and shaved light brown hair. 

"Hey! I'm Shay" said a girl with blonde wavy hair, tan skin, blue eyes, and her arm in a cast, and was sitting in a wheel chair.

I turned to the last person at the table, it was a girl with long brown blondish hair that was pulled back into a pony tail that fell over her shoulder, it looked as though it would come down to her waist, it was pen straight. She had greyish blue eyes they looked sad, that's the only way you could explain them. Her tray was pushed out and she was just starring at it. 

"This is Raven, she doesn't talk much," Shay said, Raven shot her a glare. 

"Can I go back to my room now?" Raven asked as she rolled her eyes. 

"Not until you eat," her nurse said, Raven  mumbled something  that I couldn't understand. 

"So what are you in for?" Cody asks me before taking a large bite of his pizza.

"I tried to kill myself, anorexia, and depression," I said, which sparked some what of an interested look from Raven.

"Oh sorry, I... uh" Cody stuttered. 

I gave him a half smile and said, "It's fine." 

After Raven took a couple bites she stopped eating, I did the same. But we still had to sit and wait for everyone else, till finally Erica said "Y/N and Raven you guys can go take a walk out in the courtyard while everyone else continues to eat," Raven and I gave each other a look then Raven gave me a small nod.

 I looked back at Erica and said, "yeah sure." Raven and I grabbed our trays and threw out the rest of our food. Then we walked out to the courtyard.

"So you're an anorexic?" Raven ask and I was a bit shocked by the question, but I just nodded.

"I am too, I got sent here a week ago because I was cutting my self and I passed out from malnutrition and blood loss. Step mum flipped out. Classic story. So what bands are you into?"She asked dodging the subject.

"Panic! at the disco, All time low, Greenday, and My Chemical Romance. Stuff like that," I said

"Do you like 5 Seconds of Summer?" Raven asked

"No, I actually hate them" I replied.


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