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When you looked out the window, there it was, there was home. You slowly climbed out of the car, as Ashton came around the other side before you both walked into the house. 

"We're home!" Ashton yelled into the seemingly empty house, making you flinch slightly. Before you knew it Lauren and Harry came running up to you hugging the crap out of you. 

"Ow ow okay, okay, calm down," you said giggling gently hugging them back. Peering over at Ashton who was hugging his mum. "Hey, don't forget about Ashton," you said and they let go of you and clung onto Ashton, his mum walked over to you and gave you a hug.

"I'm glad you're home, love" She whispered, you could barely hear her.

"I'm glad to be home," you said smiling slightly. 

"Alright, let's go sit down, who's hungry? Harry, love, get us some drinks?" she said before turning and walking into the living room, Ashton, Lauren and you followed her as Harry headed to grab everyone their drinks. "So tell me! How was the North American leg," she cheered. You all sat and chatted. At around 6:00, you had dinner, then Ashton and you headed out to your apartment.

The drive to your apartment wasn't too long, but you knew the reason Ashton wasn't talking. It was because he was thinking of what he was going to say when you got home. He pulled into the parking the garage. Both of you jumped out and grabbed one suitcase each, figuring it was too late to take them all in right now. Ashton fumbled with the keys until he found it and unlocked the door opening it. You took a deep breath closing your eyes, home. Finally. You pressed your lips together into a smile, before walking straight to the bedroom. You started unpacking your things, shortly after Ashton came in and leaned against the door frame.

"Babe, can we uh talk?" he said, partly startling you because you thought he had walked away. 

"Yeah sure," you said, Ashton came up behind you and wrapped you in a hug from behind, kissing your neck softly. Then you walked over and sat on the bed together. "Whats up?" you said trying to lighten the mood.

"We need to talk about what happened," he said. You felt your stomach knot and your heart practically pound out of your chest. 

"Ashton, I..." you started, but he cut you off.

"I know, but you can't do that, you can't just give up on yourself, I need you, the fans need you. I mean even while we were leaving you saw how much she needed you. When are you going to realize that you mean something and have a purpose in this world, and you aren't just a nobody! So many people need you, you are so amazing and beautiful and everything I could ever need or want. I can't watch you destroy yourself like this, you need to get better. You need to find a way to get better," Ashton poured out. He was on the edge of tears, you looked down at your lap, fidgeting with your fingers. You felt a few cold tears fall down your face, them stinging your mouth. "You are so dark, and distant now. You  keep shutting everyone out, you're so cold." When Ashton said 'cold' it hit you hard.

"Ash, I'm... I'm...I...F**K!" you cried losing it, Ashton wrapped you into a hug, gently pulling you on top of him, you curled onto his chest, tears staining his shirt, as he played with your hair, cooing trying to calm you down. Flashbacks waved through your mind, of everything, when Ana came into your life, when my depression started, when mum and pop were fighting, when pop left. Jake. Seeing Jake dead. Everything at once just came crashing into your mind, tears poured out of your eyes. Ashton pulled you in tighter doing everything he could to calm you down. But you cried yourself to sleep, not even that, you cried yourself to the point of exhaustion that you just fell asleep. 

When you woke up, you were in the same position as you were in when you fell asleep, tears stained your cheeks. 

"Good morning love," Ashton grumbled in his deep morning voice.

"Good morning," you partly smiled, trying your best. "I'm sorry about last night," you partly mumbled, Ashton didn't even respond to you he just kissed your forehead, then you got out of bed.

A/N~SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO another short chapter, and it was SHIIIIIEEETTTT I'm sorry, loves. I promise I will write a good chapter soon, hopefully, or at least that's the plan. Annnny way, so the plot for this book is kinda wrapping up ;) or is ittttt????

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