16-Where Am I?

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"You what?" Raven asked she seemed shocked as she turned and looked at you and stopped walking.

"What? They suck," You replied as if it was obvious. 

"No, no, you have to be joking," she chuckled. "They are extremely talented, and they write their OWN MUSIC! They come from OZ."

"Wow chill, I just don't like their style of music," You said.

"Bro! They are the same exact style as ATL and P!ATD, you don't have an excuse," she said pushing open the door to the hospital

"Where are we going?" You asked looking at her, she smirked back at you.

"To my room," You furrowed your eyebrows before following her to her room. When you got there, she nodded to the chair in the corner and you went and sat in it. She pulled out 4 discs from her drawer, and put one of them in and pressed play.

"What are you doing?" you asked

"Making you likable," she said turning up the music, when you realized who it was you rolled your eyes.

"Alright fine," you replied rolling your eyes, once you listened to the song it sounded oddly familiar. You tapped your foot as if you knew the song. You were extremely confused. 

"Everything faded into black, was I dead?" You thought. You couldn't feel anything, but you heard a faint beeping noise. It has some kind of pattern to it. Your senses faintly came back. Everything felt numb, You felt something in your arm and something wrapped around your other one, then everything fades out again.

"So you like it?" Raven asked seeing your feet tapping, you nodded.

Once again everything went black, your senses slightly coming back but a bit more this time.

You heard a few voices, "She should wake up...... and....hard impact to the.... don't wo....." a strange voice said. "Of course, I miss the important parts," you thought to yourself. Then everything fades out again. Everything was black for a while, and you couldn't hear, see, or feel anything.

{A/N- BTW THIS WOULD BE A GOOD PART OF THE PART TO START LISTENING TO SAY SOMETHING BY A BIG GREAT WORLD ;)} "Y/N?" you hear a familiar voice ask, it was a girl. You tried to think of who it could be, Brooke? But how she was supposed to be in Australia. "Y/N, it's Brooke. I know that you did this, and I know that means you don't want to live. But please stay for me, for Ash," her voice cracked and you heard crying. Everything faded once more.

"Y/N, I love you, but it's not time for you to see me again," a deep and soft voice said. You know this voice. You could never forget this voice.

"Jake, I'm not strong enough for this world. I don't know how to do this, not without you. I feel like I'm missing a whole half to me," you say to him.

"Yes you can, you have always been able to do this. You have to go back to Brooke. Go back to Jake. You have a life to live for me."

"Jake, why did you do it? You had me! I was there for you!"

"It's time for you to go," Jake said a tear rolling down his face. He let go of your hands.

"Y/n?" Brooke said sniffling "She twitched her finger!" She yelled you heard someone walking closer.

"Y/N? Please say something!" Brooke half yelled grabbing your hand, and you squeezed her hand. Before everything went black once again. When you got your senses back again this time you had more energy. You opened your eyes. You felt horrible pains in the back of your head, your left wrist burned under whatever was wrapped around it. You felt dizzy, your sides felt bruised. You felt something in your nose, and that damn beeping noise was louder than before. You tried to sit up, you felt sharp pains in your sides as you winced in pain.

"Easy there tiger," someone giggled placing a hand on your shoulder and gently pushing you back down. It was Ashton.

"What happened?" You groaned, laying back down. 

"You don't remember?" Ashton said tilting his head. You shook your head and furrowed your eyebrows.

"Y/n," Ashton said in his calm voice taking your hand, "you tried to kill yourself, you're in the hospital. When you fell you hit your head and bashed it open." You heard his voice crack. You looked at your burning wrist, it all made sense now. The beeping was a heart monitor, the tube in your nose was for breathing, the needle in your arm was an IV. The reason your wrist strung because it had been cut open.

Luke came into the room. His eyes were puffy and red, he had been crying.

"Hey," you managed to croak.

"Thank god you're awake, I was so scared," Luke gasped wiping his eyes.

"I'll give you two a minute," Ashton said standing up and walking past Luke.

Luke came and sat beside you.

"I was scared," Luke said quietly, grabbing your hand, as a tear fell out of his eye, you wiped it away with your free hand.

"You thought I was going to end up like him didn't you?" You asked. You knew Luke knew you were talking about your brother. He let out a small gasp before breaking down into tears.

"I miss him so fucking much," he cried into your shoulder, and you gently rubbed his hair.

"I do too, trust me, I do too," you said your voice cracking at the end. You looked up for a quick second, for no reason really, then you realized. Today was that day, July 11th, it had been a year since he died. You felt a cold tear drip down your face, several more following.

"I want him back," you sobbed, you let the words escape from your lips without knowing. Luke sniffled for a second then looked up at you.

"He loved you so much, he told he... he...would hate it if you never came back from running away. He also said that I was supposed to look out for you, be there for you, and I let him down, I let you down. I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N," Luke started sobbing, you bit your lip.

"I let him down Luke, not you," you couldn't let Luke blame himself for this, not now not ever.

I'm (not) SorryWhere stories live. Discover now