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"Shizun? Shizun, please wake up." The voice calling me seems to be filled with worry and fear.

As soon as Sha mei opened her eyes she felt slight pain coming from her legs.

Damn it. Why arey legs numb? Why am I tied up? And what's going on?

[The spirit which you and the protagonist was chasing, drugged you with a black smoke.]

Is that what that was?

Li ying: "Shizun, please save us"!

Little girl if you didn't act like you were in a horror movie, none of this would have happened. Your lucky your a main character!

"Xiao li, next time wait on your seniors".

"I'm sorry shizun...this disciple is very sorry".
The young girl lowered her head probably about to cry.

"Don't cry, we have no time for that"!

An evil chuckle sounded from the other side of the wooden door.

Dark smoke came in when the spirit itself came in.

"Looks like the demons and devils taking over is coming true. The days of the ancient God's are finally coming to an end".

"So I was right, the thing that is kidnapping young girls, is an ancient evil".

"Your very smart, God of fire, Phoenix Queen, Heir to the throne of-"

"Stop with the titles".

"Why? Do you hate being powerful? Do you hate rullong over the poor souls of the damned and the souls of the living"!


The spirit came closer to her, so close that she can feel it's hot breath on her neck.

This thing probably doesn't jave a face and yet I can feel it breathing down on me.

Does this thing know anything about personal space?

Wei li lian: "Get away from my shizun! Don't you dare touch her"!

The evil spirit looked back at Wei li lian and smiled.

"And who might you be"?

What century is this?

"I'm a disciple under the God of fire".

"Oh so your one of her brats"?

The spirit looked closely at her and then looked back at Sha mei with uncertainty.

"Are you sure your brats human"?

[Danger to the plot! You have 10 minutes to kill the spirit, or you will be terminated.]

"She's human. Why wouldn't she be"?

"Her aura-"

"What are you doing"!?

"I'm uncomfortable. Os this anyway to treat your guess...City Master"?

The spirit stood silent for a second then laughed, the black smoke and dust disappeared leaving in it's place a tall, naked, pale skinned woman.

"You- how did you know"?

"The real City master should already be dead. He had an infection from being stabbed in the chest by his daughters knife".

Atleast that's what the novel says.

The woman slowly walked closer to and kneeled down to her level. There was a smirk on her lips as she played with Sha mei's hair, and face.

What is up with these people and personal space!? Woman your naked! Why are you so close!?

"Since you've figured out who I am. You can take a guess as to why I'm a female. Can't you"?

This here conversation didn't happen in the novel, and I honestly don't know why. But this is the only reasonable response I can give.

"You use the City masters body to...lure young girls into dark ally's and possess them. Your powers are too strong for a humans body to handle so they die while your in there body. I'm guessing the reason why you can only use the old City masters body, is because his body actually jas some spiritual energy that is strong enough to hold you for a while".

"And do you know why I use this females body"?

"It's simple, it's your original body. The one before your death. It was also corrupted. Which is why you are covered in black smoke. The City masters body also seems corrupted. Like I said before he got infected and that can be harmful to you since you need a healthy body to survive. Since his body is probably close to rotting, you keep using it to find a suitable host or victim to live on".

The woman inched her face closer to Sha mei's and chuckled.

Personal space.

"Your very smart. It's a shame you'll soon be dead".

The things I just said were just me bullshiting. And can she really kill a God?

[Not really. Even though she's a very powerful ancient spirit. She's still doesn't jave enough power to kill a God. Even though there killable, the only person who can actually kill them is the protagonist.]

This really makes no sense. Then how am I bound to this pole by this rope.

[The rope was made from the strands of the burning beasts of hell.]

See. This novel is bullshit.

"You won't be able to kill me. If you try to posses me, then you'll just be trapped in it. My body would reject you and your power will become mine".


"Besides. I'm not really a good host for you even if you could take over. I'm old. Wouldn't you like someone a little younger"?

"Really? And who's better than an ancient God"?

"The child behind you. Her cultivation is good, and she won't rot as quickly as the others".

Wei li lian looked at her shizun with with wide eyes. She struggled as the spirit floated towards her. "Shizun..."

Wei li lian: "Please, don't come closer".

"Your right, Sha mei. This brat can be a good host. Your skin is sorft bit hers is softer, just perfect. Little brat your spiritual energy should be enough to last me more than a year. More than the others".

[Rule violation! You know have four minutes to kill the villian!]

A timer popped up Infront of Sha mei, flashing red lights almost blinding her.

" me".

She whispered the last two words softly and struggle even more, because she's the protagonist the ropes broke, and her hands were free.

Seeing this Sha mei ahouted at the spirit calling her names while smiling.

"What did you just say"!?

"Your a coward! If you were actually powerful you'd take me head on. Your a coward hiding behind young girls and fat men".

While the spirit had her back turn at Wei li lian, she quickly got up and hid behind one of the poles nearby. When the evil spirit was fully distracted with it's quarrel with Sha mei, she quickly ran past her, and behind her master who could easily feel her presence.

Ahe decided to annoy the evil spirit more before telling her to look around, and then look at the missing child.

"Where'd the brat go"!?
She freaked out and looked around furiously looking for wei li lian.

"Now look back".

When she did she froze in place as Sha mei had both her hands untied bu that brat standing next to her. The woman looked at Sha mei in her eyes knowing that she'd meet her end.

Fire began swirling around her meaning that her powers were finally back.

"Now. Let's play".

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