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Sha mei finally reached heavens gate. Infront of the gate, were two angels with golden spears in both their hands.

"Fenix Queen".They said bowing to Sha mei. "I'm sorry but your father isn't here right now. He went to the west with the Great God".
"Sad he's not here. But I'm not here to see him. I came to meditate".

"Heaven's gate is always opened for you".

The two angels gave way for Sha mei, while bowing to her.

Sha mei walked down the halls, admiring everything  about it. The golden statues, the marble walls and floors. Everything in here just looked expensive, to anyone who steps in here would feel like a rich man.

"Damn Sha mei had it all. The money, the looks, and not to mention power. And yet for some reason bu.lied and abused a helpless kid, who had nothing. And now that same kid turned her into a human pickle".

"It pays to be that daughter of God, and the future ruler of heaven doesn't it?  Mei mei?"

[Zhao ying. Daughter of General Zhao. Sha méi's spy in the demon world. Shape shifter and Sha méi's guardian angel. She gets her wings torn of by Wéi li lián when trying to protect Sha mei, from the latter.]

"Xiao ying".

"Sha shijie. How are you?"

"I came here to meditate. I don't have time to speak with you. Maybe in three years. Yes, talk to me in three years".

[+50 Fenix points, your getting into character better everyday 😁.]

"Huh? What's up with the little emojies?"

Sha mei got to the meditating chamber, and walked around looking for a place to sit and quietly meditate.
"Why do I have a feeling that i'm missing out something?"


"System you there?"

Sha mei felt something wet, dripping on her from above. She touched the red liquid on her cheeck, and quickly looked up. As soon as she did, she was attacked by a woman  with long dark, hair. The womans eyes were grey and her clothes were bloodied.

Sha mei finally remembered what was important.

Sha mei started feeling something wet dripping onto her cheeks, and forehead.

She touched her left cheek, and looked at the red liquid on her finger. She quickly looked up, and was then quickly thrown to a wall, landing on her back.

Liu hua.

The woman the original Sha mei, picked fights with. Sha mei quickly got back on her feet. Liu hua used her sword to try and stab Sha mei. But missed and got her sword taking by Sha mei, and ended up on the floor. She tried to get up, but her right leg was injured.

"Liu shimei. You attacked me, and look you got injured. I don't think you can really blame me, for what's about to happen. Can you?"

"Sha mei, you-"

"Don't blame me if I accidentally kill you."

Sha mei raised her left hand, and sent a palm strike into Liu heads chest. Causing Liu hua to caught and spit out blood. "Still not dead yet?"

"You- someone will find put what you did. Fucking bitch."

"I'm pretty sure they'll take it as self defense. Won't they? The God of War, attacked the God of fire, during her qi deviation. So the God of fire had to defend herself, and accidentally killed her shimei."


"Goodnight shimei."

Sha mei sighed and then looked at the woman resting on her thighs. "Did I just murder someone in Sha méi's body? The same person original Sha mei murdered? And in the same room too?"

She was about to cuss the system, but kept her mouth whut when she heard grunts coming from the woman resting, on her thighs.

"Liu shimei".

"You-" Liu hua began coughing, while blood came flowing from her nose. "Shimei, you know i am ashamed of the way we behaved in the past". She said whe using her handkerchief to wipe Liu hua's nose. "You...what are you saying"?

"I'm saying i want to make things better between us. I mean we are God's, what do you think people would say about two grown adults, who are supposed to be ancient God's, fighting and acting like children. We're above that aren't we"?

"...what-what do you-"

"Let's stop this childish game, and be friends. We are two God's, whose duty it is to, keep the world safe, and peotect all of humanity. We can not be acting like kids".

The Fire God announced proudly, with literal flames and sparkles in her eyes.

"You're saying you want be friends"?

"Yes. Can't you feel the power of friendship, just flowing between us"?!



"You. Get away from me"!
"Ah. But shimei, can't you see that this Shije wants to be good friends with you"?


Sha Mei almost got knocked out by the rock Liu hua picked up, in her right hand.

"Shimei, if you need anything don't forget to ask this Shije, she'll provide for you".

Liu hua watched as Sha Mei walked out and then thought. "Did she really save me"?
Just the thought of Sha Mei wiping her nose sent cills down Liu hua's spine.

"Finally found a quiet place. [Sighs] If I kiss up to the protagonist, then maybe i can, I can live".

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