amusement park date

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"If this isn't proof of my undying fidelity to you, I don't know what is," I huff as Luc taps his card on the scanner. Just because he's paying for this date doesn't mean I'll enjoy it any more.
"Fidelity," he snorts as the worker straps an admission bracelet on his wrist. "Makes me sound like I'm your king."
"I mean, it is your last name."
"Or I've just got that much power on you," he winks.
I roll my eyes and thank the ticketer. Luc stands at the entrance of the park and straightens his back. He offers me his arm. "Let's go, shall we, my princess?"
"The kingdom would rot if it were under your rule," I mutter as I link my arm with his. He probably heard me, but blissfully ignored the comment. I take a deep breath. "Screw it."

Metal screams above us as a coaster with red flames painted on it zips away on its tracks. I don't even want to look at him, but I know I'm just prolonging the inevitable. I whine as he tips my chin up so he can look me in the eye, and I resist the urge to bite his fingers clean off.
"Now, now," he tsks. "You already know what's gonna happen, but! Since I'm that of royal descent, I will offer you something in exchange."
"This royalty thing isn't going away anytime soon, is it?" I murmur.
"Nope. But anywho, until the last ride, which, naturally, will be the coaster, I will let you direct us anywhere, and I will obey with no complaints." I raise my brow. "Anywhere but home, you sly fox." Dammit. "In my opinion, this is a very good deal. But of course, I leave it up to you, m'lady." He bows low.
I smack him on the top of his head. "Fine, just stop yapping with the king ego. Your normal one is already a handful. And quit bowing, you look like an idiot."
He stands up straight with a stupid grin plastered on his face. "Your idiot."
As promised, we go on the rides that my weak stomach can, well, stomach. We hop on The Scrambler, The Octopus, the ferris wheel, and the Hellavator. We then go to the small game carts where you can win big prizes. I give my best shot at hitting the balloon with the dart, but I come nowhere near my target. My eyes slide over to Luc, who, annoyingly, is already wearing a smug smile, for he knows exactly what I'm thinking. Luc is almost inhuman when it comes to any skill that requires precision (but, of course, I don't say this to him, because all that's gonna earn me is a sly twist of his lips and a very innappropriate comment). He hits it with no hesitation or effort. In fact, he wins rather lazily. He laughs and kisses me on the forehead when I haul the gigantic pink bunny over the counter.
And now, it's time for my demise. "If I die on this thing you're not invited to my funeral." I snarl as I aggressively secure the restraints.
Luc just chuckles and holds my hand. I almost pass out as the coaster starts moving. A As we fly through the drop, I hear shrieking, and I assume it's myself until I realize the noise coming from beside me.
Luc's wild eyes dart absolutely everywhere, as if he's desperately looking for a way out. He grips my hand so hard that I'm surprised it's not broken. I laugh so hard that I almost cry, delighted with the fact that my boyfriend screams like a little girl. I'm still cackling when Luc collapses outside of the park, squeezing the pink rabbit for some form of comfort.
Once I catch my breath, I offer him my hand with a smirk that says everything I want it to. "M'lady."

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