Chapter 2

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   Maria sent the little girls on a flight with her friend Margaret, who was going to visit her sister. She barely held it together as Gretl didn't want to let go of her hand and Marta looked on the verge of tears. Brigitta held her sisters' hands firmly as they said farewell to their guardian and followed Margaret onto the plane.

When they landed Margaret led them to get their bags and they met up with Margaret's sister. Thankfully the camp was just outside of town and the girls ended up arriving around dusk.

A nice counselor led the girls to their respective cabins as they took it all in. There was a long valley containing a large cabin which was the mess hall, a recreation cabin with pool, ping pong and other tables, basketball courts, an open field and a place to play horseshoes. On each hill stood a bunch of cabins, there were about three for the littlest girls and then three other cabins per grade on the boy's side as well as the girls. At the entrance of the camp, to the right were trails in which one led to a lake that had the longest dock Marta had ever seen. Eventually the girls grew tired and began the trek to their cabin. While walking back Brigitta was looking at the kids running amok and accidentally bumped into something.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" a blonde girl shouted.

"Sorry" Brigitta replied with sass "maybe you should have watched where you were going"

"I'm sorry?" Louisa was ready to go until who Brigitta assumed to be her little brother due to the resemblance, physically grabbed her arm

"Don't Lou, it's not worth it" Louisa broke her eye contact with Brigitta and her eyes fell on the littlest girl, she looked oddly familiar, blonde hair and dimples. Marta on the other hand was studying the boy behind the girl known as "Lou".

"Come on girls" Brigitta eventually said as she led her sisters up to their cabin.

After the opening ceremony in which the plans for the next day were shared Liesl began making her way down to the recreation cabin. Apparently Louisa was taking everyone down in poker and she and her brothers came to watch.

Brigitta had checked in on her sisters one last time before running down to play cards with her new friend Maya. Maya was her bunkmate and seemed pretty cool. She had curly brown hair and freckles and was immediately friendly to her bunkmate. A shout of "Ohh" could be heard from the cabin below

"This chic must be really good, I heard she already has beat five people" Maya said as they continued to walk.

"She hasn't played me yet" Brigitta smirked

"But we're nine?" Maya looked concerned

"I'm almost ten" Brigitta brought her hand to her chest feigning offense "my mom taught me how to play and now I play with my friend Maria sometimes before bed."

"You live with your friend?" Maya asked, thinking that sounded like fun

"Sort of, it's..complicated, '' Brigitta said, not wanting to get into it.

"That's okay" Maya consoled before hearing another shout "c'mon, let's go" she grabbed Brigitta's hand and the pair ran down the hill.


Liesl continued her trek and had managed enough signal to text her brothers to meet her. She continued scrolling until she heard a noise, like a whine.

"Who's there?" Liesl turned her flashlight on and shone it into the trees and bushes. She heard the noise again and eventually saw a figure walking down the trail with the younger cabins. It was a little girl.

"Hey!" Liesl shouted as she jogged to the tiny frame "hey" she said again out of breath before kneeling slowly. "Are you okay?"

Marta had nightmares about the wreck, none of the girls were in the wreck since thankfully they were in school, but the thought had shaken them all, especially Marta to the core.

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