Chapter 17

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That evening after Maria got the two little girls ready for bed, and Georg went to catch up on some work in his office the other five children gathered at the end of the hall in Liesl's room.

They all sat on the bed, except for Kurt, who pulled up the desk chair.

"So what is this about exactly?" Brigitta asked, looking across the bed at Liesl.

"Well, it was more what Fred thought of, but it was easier to do this here than over the phone" Liesl explained as she leaned against her headboard.

All eyes were now on Friedrich he stammered from his corner of the bed "well, I saw the littles this morning and they were basically saying how it would be nice if Maria and dad got together. Like actually together if you know what I mean..."

"Like that would ever happen" Louisa scoffed and leaned back on her hands

"But I watched them, and you have to agree they've been nicer today and seem to have worked some things out" Friedrich defended himself "Kurt was part of it himself" He motioned to his little brother

"What? I mean they were working together today but that doesn't mean anything necessarily" Kurt said.

Louisa and Brigitta shared a look of worry, and disappointment "it's useless anyway" Brigitta said "Maria doesn't date anyone, she has no desire to, we can't just force this on her" Brigitta remembered many a time when her mom would call her friend on the phone, talking about a guy at the grocery store or a cute client from work. Maria even went out with a couple of them, but after a while she would just laugh at Agathe and the two would have some banter and the topic was dropped.

"Bri's right, plus dad is dating Ms. Schraeder so what exactly could we do anyway? He obviously likes her...unfortunately" Louisa said

"I don't think he likes her that much, but it would be a lost cause" Brigitta continued

"Don't you think it's still a little fresh too?" Louisa dared to ask.

The children all sat in silence for a moment. Even though the older ones hadn't known their mother in recent years,  but she was still their mother and they still had fond memories of her. Would it be wrong to want Maria to fill those shoes so soon, so sudden?

"I mean no one said they had to get married next week" Kurt eased the tension.

"And, as I mentioned this morning" Friedrich shot a look at Liesl "We could just egg them on, see what happens. If we help them along the way then maybe the rest will be natural, whatever is meant to happen I mean."

"I don't know," Louisa sighed. The kids sat in silence, brainstorming, imagining. When a knock was heard on the door, before it slowly opened. It was Maria. Liesl turned on her phone and noticed it was 9:30, which meant bed for Kurt and Bri.

"Come on you two," Maria said, nodding her head toward the hall. Even though she'd only been there a couple of days she felt oddly in a routine, which she didn't mind. It allowed her brain some peace after so much happening in one week.

Kurt and Brigitta were self-sufficient, being 10 and 11 years old, but Maria still liked to make sure Bri was settled in. She had checked on them if she was with them before, but after they moved in with her she always tucked them in. Sometimes though Maria would peep through the door to find Marta and Gretl asleep but Brigitta wide awake. Maria would tip toe in and sit on the edge of the bed and the two would whisper about their day, their favorite things, or Agathe. 

They sat in Louisa's room, since she and Friedrich stayed with Liesl. The oldest three would stay up till whenever, but they were also responsible for getting themselves up in the morning.


"Hmm?" Maria hummed as she brought the covers over the girl.

"I think I like dad" Brigitta admitted, which was a huge step

"Good, I'm glad, I can tell he loves you too" Maria brushed the girl's hair out of her face.

"Do you think you'll ever get married?" Brigitta spit it out, regretting how unfortunate her timing was.

"I don't know Bri, it's not exactly a priority right now." Maria turned off the lamp on the bedside table.

"Then what is?"

"You" Maria kissed the girl on the forehead and wished her goodnight before getting up.

"Gretl called you mommy today" Brigitta admitted as Maria headed towards the door.

"I know, it's alright" Maria shook her head and Brigitta could see her silhouette.

"Is it bad that I don't think it's wrong"

Maria left the door open and walked over to Brigitta "not at all darling, you're just processing things still, and little girls need their mothers, and that's the role I have right now, but you have to promise me that you'll never forget your mother"

"I promise, and I'll never get rid of the letter either"

"Good girl" Maria kissed her temple again and headed back towards the door.

"One more thing" Brigitta giggled

"What is that?" Maria asked, giggling cheerfully

"Can you talk to dad about getting my own bed, sometimes Lou drools and it gets all over the pillow"

Maria chucked 'I'll see what I can do" and shut the door quietly. 

Hey Y'all. Kind of a boring chapter I know, but the last chapter was long and it wouldn't make sense with the next one either. So, here it is. 

Thanks for reading!

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