Chapter 24

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The next day progressed normally. Max and Elsa stayed through lunch, the kids created a new game while Maria caught up on some much needed work, sending emails, finding new music, creating a general plan for the upcoming semester. She found that the house, though full of kids, was much more quiet than she initially thought.

Georg had gone out with Elsa after lunch. While Max had gone on home to "Prepare for dinner", they went out to talk, perhaps look at rings, not anything anyone other than Elsa really wanted to think about.

Yet the evening came, and Georg rolled in after dinner. Ellen had started a movie with the children when he came through the door. The little ones greeted him with as much enthusiasm as ever, and Ellen and Maria could both tell simply by his eyes he was tired.

He greeted the kids, and held Marta, before suggesting "let's go out back, I need it" Without protest the kids scurried out the door, already in their comfy clothes. Ellen walked back to her house, figuring the family needed some alone time.

Liesl turned on the twinkle lights, and the family and Maria got comfortable. Maria and Georg went back and forth over who got the swing, and while the simple solution would be to just sit together, they both figured it might not be the best, so Georg settled for the sofa right next to the swing, so they were catty cornered. Maria sat at one end while Kurt and Louisa sat at the other, the little girls and Friedrich were on the sofa with Georg while Liesl and Brigitta pulled up chairs.

They talked and talked, awkward as it was, everyone was trying to move on.

Maria finally had an idea, but hated to bring it up casually "I can't wait for school" she sighed dreamily only to receive moans of disapproval from her audience, except for Georg who chuckled

"What?" She sat up straighter, "I miss singing and playing music, I'm allowed to" she pouted

"What can you play?" Kurt asked

"Everything" Gretl said half-asleep from her father's lap.

"I wish" Maria laughed "but I can play the guitar, and the piano, I used to play the clarinet when I was in school"

"Dad can play the piano!" Kurt exclaimed

"And the violin" Georg bragged to receive a gleam of approval from Maria and she added "Oh I wish, my fingers would get so confused, and the fact there were no frets like a guitar made me so frustrated I wanted to smash it" She then began telling a story of how she broke all the strings on her bow while playing twinkle twinkle little star.

"Can you still play the guitar?" Friedrich asked

"Yes, although I play the piano more in class, obviously," Maria shrugged.

"Will you play us something?" Louisa asked cautiously

"If I could" Maria motioned to her empty lap

"Hold on" Friedrich dashed into the house, his father had a guitar and he knew exactly where it was, sure it might be out of tune, but his father could tune it by ear. He ran up the stairs and to the end of the hall to a door, where he climbed up a steep small staircase to the attic and right in the entrance, along with miscellaneous boxes, was the case. He picked the whole thing up and made his way back outside.

He opened it carefully and handed it to his father. Gretl had scooted off of his lap at this point and he tuned it with ease just as Friedrich had predicted and much to Maria's amazement.

"Who knew you were musical?" Maria quipped

"Always full of surprises," he winked. The kids listened to him finger pick a quick tune before he handed it to Maria who strummed what must have been a lullaby. Gretl was back on Georg's lap, Marta leaned against him, the rest of the children were on the edge of their seats.

When she finished everyone applauded, until Kurt asked "show me?"

"Oh alright" she gave in so easily and Georg nodded at her when she looked his way. He watched as his son sat closer and Maria put her arm around him, helping his fingers find the strings to make the chords. His eyes then travelled to Louisa who studied her movements, then to Liesl, who leaned back in her chair but was glancing his way every now and then, and Brigitta who did the same, but rested her head against her knees which were curled up in her lap. Then Friedrich, who sat at the edge of the sofa, and his two little girls, who were fighting sleep. The glow of the patio lights illuminating the scene, the hum of the cicadas and frogs filling the air.

Was marrying Elsa really the best? He watched as Maria looked with adoration towards Kurt, but also took time to explain things to Louisa, her movements filled with grace and gentility, but her remarks as dry as ever. It wasn't until he heard Gretl snore on his lap, that he stirred.

"Oh, well I guess we should get them to bed shouldn't we?" Maria turned her attention to the girls on the couch, Marta was asleep now as well.

"I guess so," Georg agreed. Maria handed the guitar all the way to Kurt before making her way over to the couch, shaking Marta a bit until the girl reached up. Georg noticed how quickly Marta's legs were wrapped around Maria's waist, like it was instinct. Maria kissed the little girl's head. He stood, carrying Gretl like a baby and the pair made their way inside. Georg nudged the door open with his foot and let Maria go first. To which she smiled and he closed it as best he could behind them.

"They're idiots," Brigitta deadpanned.

"For real" Friedrich laid back on the couch and shook his head.

"But I have an idea" Louisa smiled

"Care to share?" Liesl leaned forward in her chair, looking coy

"What if we have dinner?" Louisa began

"We decided not to, it's too obvious" Kurt interrupted which earned him a shove form his sister "okay, ouch"

"Will you let me finish?" Louisa told him "Anyways, they always take care of us, so we could have like a 'let us do everything for you' kinda thing, That way we don't have to involve Ellen, and it can be more casual, plus they might think we're being legitimately nice, especially for Maria" she shrugged

"Not bad, not bad" Friedrich agreed, "but how do we know Ms. Schraeder won't be here?"

"Just ask I assume" Brigitta stated "Plain and simple"

"Sounds like a plan" Louisa beamed. 

Hey Y'all. I hope you guys liked this fluffy chapter. The next chapter will be the plan in action. If you've seen "Parent Trap" it's sort of like the boat scene, just without the boat lol. 

Feel free to leave suggestions for this story or future ones.

thanks for reading!

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