Chapter 33

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 The Morning was crisp and bright. The water of the lake brushed softly with the shore, meeting it in a gentle kiss. The fresh dew littered the trees and plants with sparkling clean water and created a warm haze around the woods. The pollen floated through the sunbeams creating movement and life in the very wind. The breeze gently blew the tent fabric making a rustling sound that rivaled the squirrels and deer around them.

That was until Elsa Schraeder screamed at the top of her lungs.

Georg heard the horrendous noise and sat up immediately, looking to his right he saw nothing beside him except a sleeping bag. Where did her mattress go?

He crawled on all fours to the flap and unzipped it before rushing out. He saw his children all still in their pajamas stifling laughs out towards the lake and when he followed their line of sight he saw Elsa, hair askew, sweats so large they slumped off her body, standing and stomping her feet on an air mattress in the middle of the lake. Agathe would have laughed tremendously, Maria would too, heck everyone would.

But this was serious, Elsa was not what one would call a strong swimmer. He traipsed over to his kids, who's grins grew grim and gave them a glare.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Elsa screamed again.

Georg cupped his hands around his mouth "Just try and remain calm and paddle-" he shouted towards her

"Remain calm? REMAIN CALM?" She screamed and stomped so hard that she lost her balance and the air filled mattress moved beneath her feet, soon she went tumbling off the side of the bed and into the murky lake below.

The kids couldn't help it at that point and began to laugh out loud until Georg physically stood in front of them, blocking the view in front of the lake. He knew long before then, but this moment made it clear, this was not going to work. He and Elsa were not what the kids needed. He didn't need her, he didn't even want her. He wanted Maria, even if he couldn't be with her like he wanted he had to do everything in his power. He knew that they would help each other and be there for each other in a way that was unlike him and Elsa. Not to mention the children would be happier which was Maria's priority.

Once Elsa used the mattress as a kickboard back to the shore, the kids had started packing up. Georg had told them they were going straight home and after getting cleaned up and having a family meeting, they were grounded for the next decade.

Elsa trudged onto the sandbar and kicked a stack of plates out of the way, still screaming.

"Georg!" she stood, dripping, the kids tearing down the tent remained silent. Georg emerged from the tent, carrying and rolled up sleeping bag before approaching her, but remaining a distance away, in case she attacked him.

"The minute we say 'I do' I am shipping those brats off to a boarding school in Switzerland even the two snot nosed little girls."

"Elsa," Georg held up his hands trying to calm her down

"No, no 'Elsa'." she mocked. "it's either me or them, got it?" She pointed to herself before pointing to the kids who remained completely silent, staring in horror.

"Them." Georg shrugged lightly, a smirk trying to invade.

"What?!" he shoulders sunk

"T-H-E-M, them." he smiled and looked to his kids, who smiled sincerely at their father's forgiving nature and love.

Elsa screamed until the uber Georg ordered came and got her things while the family loaded their stuff in the van.


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