Chapter 15

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The next morning Maria and Georg both got up early, not really able to sleep from the night before. They tagged teamed breakfast before the children got up. Not long after the bacon was done however children started stirring in their beds. Marta and Gretl hopped up immediately, not giving a thought to their appearance, nor did the boys. Gretl and Marta were sitting at the top of the stairs watching the adults cook when Friedrich and Kurt came out of their room.

"What are you watching?" Kurt asked, leaning over next to them.

"Wouldn't it be nice if Maria and Dad got together?" Gretl asked

"Don't be crazy, He likes Ms. Schraeder, she's his girlfriend now, remember?" Kurt explained and Marta looked on.

"But she's mean and she doesn't like us," Gretl pouted.

"She might, you never know?" Kurt encouraged and he began to descend the stairs and Gretl followed him.

"She doesn't like me, Gretl or Bri does she? Because of everything?" Marta looked up sadly at


"Uh I don't know" He squatted on the stair next to her "I don't know why she shouldn't though. You're just as much one of us as me or Lou." he empathized "Plus, you all are girls and I think she likes you girls more personally" He said with an encouraging smile.

"But why did she get so angry yesterday after she found out who I was?" Marta started to tear up and her brother put an arm around her "It makes me want to cry"

"I think she was just shocked. Remember we were too at first, but she hadn't even thought of it at that point. Now cheer up buttercup and go get some breakfast" He patted her back and she sauntered down the stairs. He watched as Maria supervised Kurt flipping a pancake on the stove while Gretl sat on the island sneaking a chocolate chip. He saw Marta join them and hug Maria around the waist and the two converse for a moment before she made her way over to her dad and was picked up. Then after Kurt flipped his pancake again Maria helped him move it to a plate and the pair walked to the island to show it off. The girls applauded him and Georg smiled while Maria ruffled Kurt's hair. They really did look like family, and after yesterday's obvious miscommunication, seemed to have made up. Maybe the little girls really were onto something.

Friedrich stood up immediately and made his way down the hall. Should he go to little sisters or big sister? If he told Lou and Bri they would get their hopes up, and the thought of anything ruining their closeness made him uneasy. He walked to the very end and knocked on the door until he heard the okay from Liesl. She was sitting at her desk listening to music, still in her Pj's but brushing the rats out of her hair.

"What?" was all she said

"The littles" That is what they now called Marta and Gretl "Said something and I think they might actually have a good idea" Friedrich propped at the edge of the bed as Liesl shut off her music and turned to face him.

"What is it?" Liesl shrugged

"Well after everything yesterday and Brigitta noticing Maria walk downstairs last night like she texted, I think Maria and Dad made up" Friedrich didn't know how to pitch this idea. He was not the romantic type by any stretch but every man, or almost man, wants to protect his family.

"Cool, and?" Liesl sad

"Well what if Dad and Maria got together, like ya know-"

"I get the picture,'' Liesl nodded "But it's not gonna happen. Dad is head over heels for Ms. Schrader and we all know it. Besides, one good day doesn't mean they're gonna get along forever."

"But I just saw them and Liesl, it's like it's meant to be. I mean she is already close with the girls and Kurt lowkey likes her more than he should-"

"I don't know Fred. I mean she was mom's best friend and by the way they treated each other they obviously don't have the best history-"

"But what if that's just it? It just wasn't good timing or something, obviously he was with mom, but even after they split up. Kinda like that movie with Lindsay Lohan that you and Lou watched religiously growing up?"

"I understand, but I just don't know. Also I don't know why this reminds you of Freaky Friday-"

"I'm not talking about Freaky Friday-"

"Shut up, sibling meeting, screw the group chat. It takes too long and we're all in one house anyway. We'll wait for the littles to go to bed for this one and we'll see. After all Lou or Bri might not be fond of the idea" Liesl said only to receive the most 'are you kidding me' look from her brother

"Don't give me that look, come on" She shoved him off the bed and they went downstairs for breakfast. 

Hey Y'all! Sorry for the shorter chapter but I think these next couple chapters made more sense apart than together. I also know the last chapter was super long so I hope this balances out. Let me know how you guys are liking this story.

Thanks for reading!

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