Chapter 35

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Georg was sitting with Max, drinking lemonade, although the actual amount of lemonade was questionable, and overlooking the backyard on the patio. A handful of the children were outside, Friedrich taking care of the horses, Kurt, Louisa, Gretl and Marta playing a soccer game. Brigitta was inside reading while Liesl was video chatting with her friends.

Ellen came out with her own glass of lemonade and sat on the porch swing, Georg and Max sat at opposite ends of the couch.

"Georg, this doesn't even resemble lemonade anymore." Max made a face and Ellen laughed. It said something if Max made a remark about an unbalanced mixture.

"You haven't been yourself lately, typically I'd find you down there playing with them, or at the very least helping Freddie." Ellen added looking to Georg. He seemed lost in his own little world. He was looking out towards his kids, but his eyes were unfocused. He had been like that for days, the only thing that ever seemed to snap him out of it were the kids. Max had come over to try and take his mind off things and Ellen had been trying to keep everyone excited for the upcoming school year. 

"Just feel off is all." he took another sip, reclining on the bench. Which made Ellen roll her eyes. 

"You miss her?" Ellen said knowingly with a smirk and Max raised his eyebrows, this was gonna be awkward.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do." Georg spoke rather harshly and then gave Ellen a sincere look of apology. Not having Maria had made his life so chaotic. They had a routine established and it took all of him to get his kids under control in one way or another, little did he know they were just trying to keep him distracted

"I'm sorry, I do miss her, I can't believe that she just left. I even told her-" Georg motioned with his arm, there was no need to finish.

"And she still left!" Max was flabbergasted

"Sounds familiar." Ellen took a sip but said nothing more. At that moment Louisa came running up the steps, her shorts and t-shirt covered in dirt.

"Lou?" Georg caught her by the hand and the blonde pushed back her fly away hairs from her ponytail.


"Has Maria called you?" Georg asked genuinely.

"Of course, she calls Bri every night and we all talk to her," Louisa shrugged. That had been their routine for the past week anyway.

Brigitta came out of the house at that moment, a paper in hand.

"Lou, I was just looking for you, I found the map of the school and I needed directions." Brigitta emerged and shoved the paper in her sister's face.

"I'll deal with it later." Louisa rolled her eyes and stormed away, wanting to change clothes asap.

Brigitta was about to follow her big sister inside but was once again caught by Georg.

"Bri? How are you gonna handle that? You didn't blow up at her like you used to."

"Maria always used to say to let someone cool off, maybe she just got emotional or something. Either way I'll go after her in about 5 minutes." Brigitta said.

"Cool off and go after them?" Georg asked and Max and Ellen met eyes.

"Yep, although mom didn't believe in the whole cooling off thing, she just wanted to be followed, but as time went on Maria convinced her there may be some value in space." Brigitta smiled, it was one of the few things Agathe had admitted she was wrong about.

"Alright, go tell your sister to clean up and pack for two days, get Liesl too." Georg stood up.

"Why?" Brigitta's face wrinkled in confusion

"Don't worry about it, just go get ready." He ushered her through the door and turned back to his friends.

"What's on your mind?" Max asked quizzically

"Oh nothing Max, just step out of character and try to be charming. I have some business to attend to." He grinned as he ran down to the backyard and joined his children.

Hey Y'all. Here's the first update of the week. I'm sorry it's so short but it was the best way to split it up. Y'all have been leaving the sweetest and funniest comments and I can't express how much it means to me. 

Thanks for reading! 

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