Chapter 26

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The evening came, and while the kids hadn't asked their father or Maria to dress up they did ask that they wear unstained shirts, that was Gretl's contribution anyway.

Ellen had presided over the kids cooking the most basic thing she could think of, pasta, which was totally fine with everyone. But all of the kids had pitched in and done their part, the only request Ellen made was that she be allowed to serve them, since she wanted in on the tea after all.

Brigitta, Friedrich and Gretl stayed in the kitchen while the others went to get the adults and led them eyes closed to the kitchen. They had obeyed all commands, both parties in jeans and clean shirts.

Georg began praising the children when he looked at the table in the kitchen, to see it was empty, there was not a single plate on it. "Um, kids, where are we eating?" He asked.

"Oh!" Kurt took the lead toward the back patio doors and held it open, Maria and Georg walked through and the kids peeped their heads out the door. A single table lit by the glow of the patio lights sat out there, quiet and undisturbed 

"There's not enough room for all of us?" Maria turned back to them.

"Well, that's the other surprise," Louisa explained "we're not joining you,"

"Now," Friedrich laced his arm through Maria's and led her to the table as Georg followed behind, smiling in disbelief "We'll leave you be and don't worry about us, Liesl and I will take care of everything." He assured as they sat down.

He retreated to the door, Marta and Gretl giggling. "Have fun!" Liesl gave her father a look and the kids shut the glass door.

"Real subtle aren't they?" Georg chuckled as he ran a hand over his face

"I think it's sweet, even if their methods are twisted." She joined.

Just then they saw Marta and Louisa peering through a window before ducking down, thinking they hadn't been seen.

"I feel like I'm in a fishbowl," Georg said.

"You have seven kids and expect privacy? You're funny." Maria replied.

"They really put in the effort though, didn't they?" He said looking over into his backyard, he had always taken it for granted until this summer.

"Yes, and they do it because they love you." Maria could tell he was taking the view of the land in and decided to admire him for herself. She thought he looked good, a clean button up with rolled sleeves, his hair slightly out of place from the day, tan from the summer. He seemed so effortless to her.

"Oh, well they love you too." He abruptly faced her again.

"It'll be hard to leave." She admitted as she looked to her lap.

"I guess we should actually discuss that..." Georg scratched the back of his neck

"I suppose so." Maria let out a shaky breath as she leaned back in the chair, her hands messing with the hem of her blue shirt.

"Well, you could take the little girls for the summer?" he suggested

"No, they need to be with you and their siblings, what if you want to take a trip or something, sure they'd have camp in that scenario, but what about the rest?"

"Ok," he nodded calmly, he figured he would throw some rather absurd things out there in hopes of getting her on the same page and realizing the most obvious option.

"Honestly I think it would be best if I just left, I can swing by if I'm ever in the area and of course they'd be welcome to ca-"

"Are you insane?" Georg asked as calmly as he could muster

"I don't think so, my parents had me checke-"

"Please be serious for once, those kids love you, you're the closest thing they have to a mother right now-"

"Before they actually get a new mother you mean?" Maria couldn't help but remember

"I mean that maybe you could look for a job down here and still be in their lives. You're all Bri, Marta and Gretl know."

"I've already signed a contract it's not that simple-"

"Then I will help you find a job down here until next year-"

"Georg, be reasonable, your children need to bond with Elsa, and it'll be much harder if I'm around, especially for the little ones. I love them dearly, but that's why I have to let them go. I will still call and they can talk to me anytime they wish." Maria sadly explained.

"You can't leave" He shook his head, "It'll all be wrong again after you leave" he put his head in his hands.

She reached across the table and took one of his warm hands on her cold one. "This is best and we both know it, for more reasons than one." she glanced down at their joined hands and he understood what she meant. There was no denying they cared, no loved each other, but if Elsa was going to become a permanent installment then this had to be done, for their own sakes, for Elsa's sake, but most importantly for the sake of the kids.

"Let's just enjoy the time left, hmm?" she hummed and he nodded, "The kids put in a lot of work and I'd hate to see it go to waste."

Georg glanced inside and saw Friedrich looking at a computer and the other children surrounding him. Finally he clicked a button and music suddenly flooded the patio.

Georg stood up, both had only eaten politely "Care to dance?" he held his hand out to her.

Maria simply smiled sadly and took his hand, the pair moved in front of the table, Maria wrapped her arms around him as if in a hug more than a dance, they swayed in circles slowly, knowing this would be the end of whatever this was, that no one could know but them. They had a plan.

The kids in the house were teeming with pride thinking they had really accomplished something, when in reality, everything fell apart.

"Don't leave," he whispered into her hair.

"I have to, I care too much to stay." She answered.

She felt him hug her tighter and she smiled to herself, loving how warm and protecting it felt, like she was loved. No man had ever taken this much care of her, or feared her wishes as much. She never felt judged over her condition with him either, he simply understood and sympathized, he never berated her, or anything. How Agathe could have left him she marveled at that moment. But now Ag was gone and for this brief moment she was his and he was hers.

Hey Y'all. I am officially on Thanksgiving break. My goal is to upload two more times this week since I have the time. I'm sorry this story has been so slow to get out compared to my other ones. I am also trying to brainstorm a new story so if you have anything you'd like to see feel free to comment. 

Thanks for reading!

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