Chapter 6

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The next day passed by smoothly for everyone. Marta and Gretl both became stronger swimmers, the boys both found sports they liked, for Kurt it was dodgeball and Fred was volleyball, Louisa felt accomplished over her prank on Bri, Liesl enjoyed being left alone and Brigitta was sure her prank would get her rival to shut up once and for all.

That night Maya, Gen, and Emily waited outside the little girls' cabin with their supplies they had collected all day. Brigitta was inside, she was determined to keep her promise to her sisters and soon came dashing out the door.

"Come on let's go," she said, running and leading the way. The four girls plopped behind some bushes. Their plan was to wait for Louisa and her friends to come back in the cabin and then attack. After an hour of impatiently waiting, and Maya almost backing out three times, they spotted all five girls go into the cabin.

"Are you sure about this?" Maya whispered

"I'm desperate" Brigitta admitted, "If this doesn't work I don't know what will".

The girls crept inside. The first order of business was to rig the bucket of lake water above the door, between Brigitta and Emily's science brains and the extra hands, they were able to successfully do so, meanwhile Gen opened a window to hop out later. "Ok, divide and conquer" Brigitta whispered. Maya began spraying shaving cream all over the girls, Emily poured tanning oil on the floor, while Gen and Brigitta began stringing up the extra yarn everywhere to create a web of monstrosity.

"I'd say our work here is done" Gen placed her hands on her hips and Brigitta agreed. The four girls snuck out the window and when they returned to their cabin the other two girls in there barely stirred. "Mission accomplished," Brigitta told herself.

Bright and early, about ten minutes before the wake up whistle, the four girls woke up and snuck quietly over to Louisa's cabin. Once the whistle did go off, the voices of the little ones leaving the cabin could be heard heading to breakfast. Marta and Gretl spotted their big sister peering inside a cabin and ran over.

"What -" Gretl started loudly before being shushed by all the girls

"What are you watching?" Marta asked, whispering thankfully.

"Look" Brigitta said with a grin and picked Gretl up to look in the window, while Marta found a stump nearby.

The girls watched Louisa and her friends begin to stir.

Louisa woke up feeling like she was surrounded by a cloud, when she rolled over though her face smushed into shaving cream, shaving cream! She sat up immediately and screamed "What the heck!" which made all the other girls wake up, some sat straight up and got a full view of the mess, while others moved like Louisa initially did and smeared cream on their faces.

"I bet she did it" Annie said, and they all knew who she was.

"When did you do that?" Gretl whispered

Gen giggled "last night"

While the girls struggled to get out of bed due to all the string Liesl heard the commotion, and her sister shout and decided to make her way over

"I heard my sister scream, is everything okay?" She asked the group of girls

"Everything's just fine" Brigitta said as they all struggled to contain their laughs

Soon the commotion had even more girls running over to watch, but that included counselors as well. Eva and a younger, stricter counselor who was always getting everyone in trouble named Jeanette began witnessing the poor girls inside covered in cream and slipping around on the floor,

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