Chapter 28

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Ellen walked in the house at 6:30 like she did everyday through the back door by the kitchen. At this time typically Georg would be up, perhaps one of the kids, but instead the house was quiet, the living room was empty. She walked upstairs quietly after setting her stuff down on the counter. She passed each of the children's rooms, noting how much they had changed, except for the boys and Liesl. Louisa's room had an extra bed and bookshelf tucked in the corner, one bed neatly made the other a complete mess. She saw the guest room turned into a little girls' room, the sheets had been replaced with pink ones and a few toys littered the floor here and there, to think that room had been unused for years. She then realized none of the children were actually in their rooms, their doors wide open but not a soul in sight. Maria's door was closed as she neared the end of the hall, and Liesl's was the only one left. She peeked through the door to find everyone in there. All seven children piled on top of each other in Liesl's bed, with the exception of Friedrich who was curled in a chair, but at the foot of the bed it seemed Georg and Maria had been talking, they had a computer open and Ellen dared to reach down and tap the mouse pad without waking Maria. The screen lit up showing multiple tabs open, but the one currently pulled up was for a plane ticket for the following week.

Ellen covered her mouth, surely she wouldn't be leaving! Oh Georg was so stupid! Ellen shook her head and thought, "look at them!'' They sat side by side on the floor leaned against the bed, Maria's head resting on Georg's shoulder and his right hand hovering near hers, this was supposed to be the family, not that infuriating woman.

But she had stood by Georg and his children for years, and that wouldn't change any time soon, as much as it frustrated her to do so. So she left, leaving a note on the counter saying she wasn't going to be there for the day, she needed a day off, and these two adults needed to stop acting like kids.

Georg jumped, hearing the door close, perhaps it was just a draft. He felt a warm weight on his shoulder and then realized where he was, he looked to his left to see Maria, dead asleep on him, the laptop still had the best priced plane ticket they had found pulled up, he then looked to the right to see his oldest son sitting uncomfortably in a chair and the events of last night flooded his memory, perhaps he should just call it quits with Elsa, even though he didn't love her.

As he turned back to Maria he studied the freckles on her nose, the way her hair stuck up in all directions, how her breathing was even. He thought about the night before, how upset she had been, and he could see streaks of dried tears still on her cheeks, she must have cried herself to sleep again. He remembered how she consoled the children and if they woke up in the night she shut her computer to comfort them, how she had confided in him she would truly miss him as a dear friend, even though he wished she hadn't said that. She had more self control than he did and he had to let her go, she didn't sign up for this, even though at this moment Georg realized he loved her.

Maria slowly began to stir and Georg came back to reality, he couldn't look at her the same way again. She sat up abruptly once she realized her surroundings and whispered an apology.

"Don't worry, they haven't woken up, and I don't think they will for a while." He snickered.

He helped her up and they looked at the mass of children "poor little dears." Maria spoke sadly.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asked still holding her arm

"Thanks, but I think I need to call my aunt and fill her in, I've texted her a few times, but now since we've officially made a plan I should tell her." Maria explained.

"Go, take your time." he nodded and left the room, he seemed a little flustered in all honesty.

Maria shut the door behind her quietly and made her way to her room, pulling out her phone from her back pocket and dialing as she approached the window on the far side of the room.

"Hey Aunt Peg?" Maria greeted. The woman sounded like she had just woken up but still excited

"Oh Maria! Tell me how things are going? Is Georg still being polite or is that just a fluke? How are the girls? What are the other-"

"The kids are great Peg," Maria began to pace "Georg adores the girls and the other kids do too, they are quite the family."

"I'm glad, is he still being stubborn?"

Maria took a deep breath and sat on the bed "no, actually, he's really helpful, he listens and encourages and I think he's changed a lot himself over the summer."

"Mhmm, sounds like you have indeed been getting along." Peg insinuated

"Yeah, well," Maria raised a hand to her forehead, rather flustered "He's great and he even has a fiancé now."

"Oh really?" Peg was on the edge of her seat, thinking things had changed a whole lot for Maria.

"Her name is Elsa and she's very pretty and since this has come up, Georg and I have finally settled on the arrangement."

"Oh?" Peg asked, slightly disappointed. Maria explained the whole thing in detail and how things would work and how she would move back to Boston by next week.

"I see," Peg nodded, taking all of the information in "and the kids are okay?"

"They will be." Maria sighed

"And Georg?"

"Fine, perfectly fine. I think we've both had a chaotic summer and with the wedding to plan and the kids needing to adjust to Elsa, it's the best for everyone involved." Maria defended

Peg smirked on the other side of the phone "Maria, you know I loved Agathe, but your father and I both agreed that even though she was older, you were the big sister in the relationship. You have put your entire life on hold for this family, and you did it willingly. Now, you obviously care a great deal for them, so why on earth are you leaving them?" 

"I told you it was for the best."

"It may seem like it's the best for everyone involved, but I can tell you it isn't."

"What?" Maria sat up straight

"My dear, what's best for you? Hmm? Is it really best for you to leave them, to go back to a school you don't particularly love anyway, in a town that while it has served you well, doesn't compare to your love of nature. Maria, I'm not stupid, I heard how you talked about him, his girlfriend, how you all planned to tell the kids and then the heartbreak in your voice after, letting him go may not be what he wants either." Peg explained

Maria started to tear up, taking these words into account "If I've learned anything from this life, between my parents, no siblings, losing Ag, and my own circumstances God does not want me to have a family and I've accepted that while it may not be what I want, it's what I need."

"Oh Maria, I don't think that's the case, I think God loves you so much that he is handing you this opportunity, one you deserve, to have the family you always wanted in a place you would be happy." Peg said, feeling sorry for her niece.

Maria paused, taking everything in, realizing her aunt had a point. But she wanted what was best for everyone if that meant at the cost of her happiness, this was the right choice, but she couldn't deny that..

"I love him" she cried "More than anyone, I love these kids, all seven of them, I love Ellen and Max, I love the horses and fields, I love the town, from what I've heard I'd love the school, but I love him most of all, and because of that, I must give it up."

Peg consoled the girl until Maria abruptly hung up, and began crying into her pillow.

Hey Y'all. As promised here is your third update for the week. If you're American have a Happy Thanksgiving! 

Thanks for reading!

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