Chapter 21

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Brigitta was just about to ask what the plan was for Maria when Ellen barged in.

"Georg, Elsa's at the door, again," She rolled her eyes before sharing an annoyed look with Brigitta. Georg hopped to his feet and walked around his desk, grabbing his daughter's hand in his own before rushing to the door.

"Georg!" Elsa was standing in the entryway with too big of a smile on her face and Max off to the side.

"What a pleasant surprise" Georg switched Brigitta's hand from his left to his right so he could reach out and give Elsa a cordial peck on the cheek.

"And hello to you too, Bri," Elsa said sickeningly sweetly.

Max finally stopped looking at his phone to see Brigitta's scowl. "Ahh hello my dear, where is your army of siblings?" He tried to make the girl smile just a teensy bit.

"Well I know Louisa and Ma-" Georg began before Louisa came bounding around the corner with Maria following behind at a slower pace. Louisa hugged Max tightly "Hey Uncle Max" Louisa beamed until she noticed Elsa standing right there. "Hello Ms. Schraeder" she spoke through clenched teeth.

"Ah there you are" Max walked past Georg and his daughters to see Maria giving the reunion space "Nice to see you again" she replied.

"Come on Lou, we're not done yet" Maria instructed and Louisa reluctantly followed to return to cleaning the kitchen and Brigitta followed.

"Georg" Elsa stepped forward and grabbed Georg's arm, "let's go on a walk before any of the kids notice you're gone shall we?". Georg nodded, not really wanting to. He and Elsa walked across the living room to the back door. He shot a look at Maria who was spinning a rag around in her hand. She shot him a comically suggestive look before mouthing "have fun" only to receive an eye roll from Georg in return.

After a few more last minute things Louisa and Brigitta were done with the kitchen. Max had come and sat at the island, Ellen had returned and was next to him reading the paper, since she said it was the only news she had ever trusted and that wouldn't change now.

"I'd say you did good girls" Maria praised Brigitta and Louisa. They joined Max and Ellen at the barstools, well there were only four, so Maria stayed on the other side of the island to face them.

"Do you think Ms. Schraeder is going to keep dad to herself all day? He promised Kurt he'd help him with that kite," Brigitta said out loud, not really caring who heard.

"Bri-"Maria gave her a harsh look. She felt comfortable helping discipline all the children at this point, but obviously her three were easier.

"I don't think so, I think our dear friend Elsa has too much to occupy her mind already" Max sipped some coffee he had made without asking lightly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ellen looked at him over the rim of her paper.

"I just think she's thinking about shopping, which is one of her favorite pastimes, but shopping for something in particular, jewelry for the hand perhaps" He looked straight at Maria.

Maria wasn't stupid. This meant that Elsa was hoping Georg would pop the question soon, who could blame her? They had been friends for years and the past few months seem to have been smooth. While Maria wasn't terribly fond of the idea, it was Georg's life and he had freedom to do as he pleased. Then she looked at Max's right and saw the looks on the girls' faces. Louisa's was pure disgust, while Brigitta's was more of fear.

"You don't think-" Louisa began

"Oh yes I do-" Max answered before Maria interrupted "girls why don't you go upstairs, I know you're going to eavesdrop anyway but just at least be out of sight"

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