Chapter 23

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Max sat in an arm chair comfortably, while Ellen sat in the kitchen on one of the bar stools. Elsa sat on the short end of the sectional, with Georg next to her. Maria came down and joined Ellen by the kitchen island. Five of the kids sat on the long end of the sectional, with an appropriate distance from Elsa, while Friedrich and Marta sat in the armchair adjacent to max.

"What is it dad?" Gretl asked, which sparked a bombardment of questions all at once until Maria stood and walked behind the chair Max was sitting on and shushed them.

"Erm, thank you" Georg turned to her "Kids, I know we haven't quite figured everything out yet, but I-we figure that this might make the stability come sooner than later" He looked to Elsa first then to Maria for reassurance.

"What do you mean?" Maria could hear the fear in Brigitta's voice even if no one else could.

"I mean that I have asked Elsa to marry me" He said, reaching with his left hand to grab Elsa's right one. Louisa's eyes followed their hands closely.

"But what about Maria?" Marta asked, always thoughtful of others. Who would she have at the end of the day?

"What about-" Elsa began hastily about to repeat the question with disgust.

"Marta, it does not affect me either way, we will discuss the arrangement with you all soon, but this recent development is good. But it will also mean that your father and I will need to discuss some things further. It will all work out how it's supposed to" Maria assured with a wink. Max looked around his chair to Ellen who mouthed "lies"

"Well" Liesl stood up "If you're happy we're happy" She wanted to get out of the room as soon as possible before her emotions bubbled over.

Georg stood as well, bringing Elsa up with him, who was obviously not expecting it. Liesl walked over and hugged Elsa, before Friedrich, Louisa, and Kurt did the same. The youngest three girls were all standing, petrified. They looked to Maria for guidance, who motioned for them to follow in the steps of their siblings before Liesl led the way outside and the adults were left alone.

"Well Georg, I think we should really get going. I do have that meeting at three after all" Elsa said as she looked at her sleek apple watch.

"But-" Georg began, looking toward the patio until Maria stepped forward

"I can handle them don't worry" Maria assured

"What about me?" Max asked

"Maaaaax" Ellen drawled from the kitchen

"Are you sure?" Georg asked, but his eyes conveyed that this was about more than her watching the children for the day

"Yes, I'm okay" She chuckled in spite of herself "now go on '' she shooed them away, pretending it wasn't awkward.

"Come Georg, she'll handle it" Elsa practically dragged him through the door.

After a few moments of awkward pause "well, I better go talk to them" She walked out the door.

After the door was shut the first words out of Max's mouth were "she's barefoot"

"Congrats Max, you're observant" Ellen entered the living room and the pair looked out the glass doors to see Maria talking to the kids in the lawn.

"She's different isn't she, any other person would have put shoes on first to go outside, but she was so worried about them she didn't give it a second thought"

"That's just how she is,"' Ellen shrugged and grabbed a duster from a basket under the cabinet of the living room. "Why do you think she took those girls in? Why do you think she's acting like everything's okay? You called her bluff whether she wants to admit it or not. Although your timing leaves something to be desired." Ellen swatted him with said duster

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