Chapter 32

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That night had been strategically planned since the beginning. The only real issue was Georg's location but the kids were certain they could get around that. The kids laid awake for about an hour after their father went to bed until Friedrich looked at his phone.

"I think we're good," He whispered from his sleeping bag next to Kurt.

"Are you sure this plan will work?" Kurt asked, sitting up.

Liesl sighed, "It will if you don't blow it." she rolled her eyes.

Kurt slowly but surely got out of the tent, trying his best to be quiet. This was so embarrassing. He always gets the short straw. Louisa kept an eye out through an open sliver of the zipper as Kurt quietly unzipped the tent where their dad and Elsa were sound asleep.

"Let's pray that all that melatonin works." Louisa vocalized her thoughts.

"Amen." Brigitta snickered.

Kurt tiptoed in between the sleeping bag and the air mattress. The kids knew beforehand Elsa would bring an air mattress since she had said earlier "I am not putting my face that close to where worms crawl". Which made the plan that much better. Kurt tapped his dad's shoulder until he grunted

"Dad?" Kurt whispered

"What is it son?" Georg grumbled, without opening his eyes. He had been rather enjoying his dream. He had been riding horses and somehow all of his kids, even Gretl, could ride their own and as they rode to the top of the hill Maria stood waiting, standing in a white flowing sundress, waving her arms to get their attention. He thought she looked breathtaking. He had jumped off his horse and was just about to spin her around in his arms when he felt the tapping on his shoulder.

"I have to go to the bathroom, but I would feel better if you went with me." Kurt was nervous, not because this was true, but because he could go pee on his own. Pretending to be so scared was utterly humiliating.

"Sure, let's go." Georg begrudgingly conceded and the pair slipped out of the tent. The spot Kurt led him too was down the beach a little ways as planned.

"We're clear." Louisa said and it was go time, Liesl grabbed a bunch of blankets while Brigitta snatched her sleeping bag. Friedrich and Louisa were the first to creep into the tent. They looked down at Elsa. For someone who claimed they needed beauty sleep she really did. She was wearing sweats, and a blanket was twisted every which way, her hair that had been in a bun was flying everywhere and she was drooling out of the corner of her mouth. Friedrich tried his best not to snort until Louisa grabbed one corner of the mattress. Her brother took the other and they pulled, but once they hit the lip of the tent Elsa stirred. Her legs shot in opposite directions and her hand contorted until she hummed and fell back asleep.

"Wow!" Louisa laughed, Elsa always seemed so put together, seeing her at her absolute worst was satisfying.

The siblings pulled her on the mattress out of the tent and to the other side of theirs, but the second they got her out Liesl and Brigitta rushed in, filling and stuffing a pink sleeping bag, Liesl proudly sacrificed with blankets until it looked real.

Just as Brigitta and Liesl ran to hide on the other side of the tent with the mattress and their siblings Kurt came back with Georg and the two parted ways, Georg dipped into his tent immediately and before Kurt got back to his tent they heard a loud snore.

"I'm never doing that again" Kurt held up a finger, but couldn't help but smile as he looked at the disheveled Elsa before him.

"Ok, we gotta push." Friedrich led the pack, he and Kurt pushed While Louisa and Liesl pulled all the corners of the bed to the edge of the water. Liesl and Louisa had on shorts so they took one for the team and waded a little to get her off onto the lake. The mattress began to glide over the water and the boys and Brigitta grinned. Louisa and Liesl stayed put so as not to wake her by trudging through the water but once she had floated a ways off they tried their best to be quiet.

All five of them stood on the sand bar, Louisa had her arm around Brigitta and Liesl and her brothers shared smiles.

"We freaking did it!" Liesl crossed her arms smugly

"Let's just hope it does more good than harm." Kurt whispered

"So what if we get grounded, it'll be worth it." Brigitta smiled as Louisa's grip tightened.

Yes, individually they were all talented, but together, better look out. 

Hey y'all as promised here's the second update for the week. Sorry it's kinda short but it was a good cut off point lol. 

Thanks for reading!

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