Chapter 13

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The morning went by calmly. Ellen arrived and met Maria and instantly took a liking to her. Ellen could tell this girl was different, but could also see Agathe's influence all over her. While she didn't know Agathe very long, she had such a distinct personality and extroverted wittiness that some of that had rubbed off on Maria. Ellen noticed the young woman was quiet around adults, yet boisterous around the children, which made sense considering Brigitta had said she was a teacher, yet Ellen knew she would open up as she grew more comfortable. What really made Ellen like Maria was her snide remarks that could be heard under her breath, the woman was clever, more than she made known, which made her even more so. Yes, Georg may have met his match with this one, and the extra training from Agathe didn't help his case.

Maria spent the morning hearing about the girls' time at camp, while also telling the older ones stories of their mother back in college. She somehow enchanted all seven of them, although the oldest three still had a few reservations, they didn't dislike her by any stretch. Georg and Maria didn't kill each other, although Ellen enjoyed watching the two bicker over simple things like supposed bedtimes and household rules. By early afternoon everyone felt more comfortable and the kids were roaming about the house playing and such while Maria was talking to Ellen in the kitchen. Georg on the other hand was working in his office when the doorbell rang. Georg went to answer it and opened the door to reveal Elsa, looking stunning as ever, and Max. While Max hadn't mentioned his intention of coming, Georg wasn't exactly surprised either.

"Well well well, have the children made your ears bleed yet?" Max said as he took a step in.

"Well-" Georg began

"Oh darling ignore Max, he told me himself that he only came today in hopes of getting into the cellar" Elsa teasingly nudged Georg as she too took a step in the door

"Unsurprising" Georg chuckled and shut the door behind his friends.

"Where are the kids?" Max asked as he made his way into the living room

"They must be exhausted after being gone for three weeks" Elsa added

Georg tried to stall them by not moving out of the entryway, but was unsuccessful "Uh Actually-"

"Georg, who is this ravishing woman in front of me" Max said as he turned to the kitchen. Maria stood off the bar stool and smiled politely.

"Hey Max, always a charmer" Ellen said from behind the island

"Nice to see you still haven't changed since 1998 El" He squabbled and the pair shared a sarcastic smile "Max Detweiler" he inclined his head and looked at Maria "and who my dear are you?"

"Georg?" Elsa turned to him with a stern look

Georg stammered "actually about that-"

At that moment Marta, Gretl and Kurt came running in from outside

"Hi uncle Max!" Kurt came to a halt, nearly running into the man

"Are these your friends?" Max asked confused, but immediately took note of the familiar looking blonde.

"Uhm no, he's my brother" Gretl threw her hands to her hips and stuck her nose up at Max which made Ellen stifle a giggle at the awkwardness of it all.

"What?" Elsa exclaimed and Maria stood smirking, letting him take the fall. After all, after seeing who this girlfriend was, it all made sense, and her anger made her cunning.

"This is our dad,'' Marta said quietly while hiding behind Georg's leg.

Maria noticed Elsa's mortified look, so she decided to make it worse "Indeed, he's their father, but they're also mine" Maria said matter of factly which earned her a deadly look from Georg.

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