Chapter 34

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The next day was all about Maria. The kids let her sleep in while Georg, Kurt and Louisa cooked breakfast. Ellen looked after the little girls and Georg called Max and updated him on the situation.

Maria was overrun with pure joy. The breakfast surprise had made her day but then going out in the afternoon to ride horses and then letting her have some alone time with Ellen made the day balanced and peaceful, even if it was difficult on everyone in the house.

Maria had packed the night before so she could be totally devoted to the family for the day. Until the dreaded clock rang 5. Her flight left at 7 which meant they needed to head to the airport. Maria hugged Ellen goodbye and the older woman promised to keep in touch.

Maria walked through and got her ticket while Georg and the kids waited awkwardly in the terminal. They got through the first round of security and walked in silence up to a set of open double doors with sensors on either side. This was it. The group walked to the side of the hall to not take up space since there were so many of them after all.

Georg stood intently, not letting his true sorrow show, as he watched Maria say goodbye to the kids. She walked to Liesl first who hugged her tightly and Georg saw her whisper something in the teen's ear. She then took Louisa's hands in hers and said "Thank you Louisa, without you none of this would have happened and praise the Lord it did." Maria then hugged the girl tightly and Georg was surprised to see his daughter had tears in her eyes. She then turned to the boys.

She hugged Kurt and kissed the top of his head before offering her hand to Friedrich, but to everyone's surprise he disregarded that and hugged her "I'll miss you." he said with a soft smile.

Maria then knelt to the youngest two girls and held them tightly for a couple minutes each. She had known them longer, and while she loved the kids equally, you can't erase history.

"You did it Gretl, you found him, just like the fairytale" Maria wiped the little girl's hair out her face before turning on her knees to Marta "You can call me anytime and I will sing for you, I promise." Marta nodded silently and hugged the young lady once again. As Maria stood she looked at Georg. Without thinking he asked with his eyes if he got a goodbye. Maria couldn't help but give a watery smile before walking over and the pair hugged tightly.

"You know I can't fulfill that promise." Georg released her and the pair met eyes

"I never said it was going to be easy, for either of us." She reached out and gave his hand a squeeze before turning her back to him and looking at Brigitta. She didn't cry often, but at this moment she felt like a baby being abandoned by her mother.

Brigitta stood with her arms at her sides, tears sliding down her cheeks "I don't want you to go." she sobbed

Maria took a step and the pair embraced. Maria gently soothing the little girl and the other siblings looking on with gloomy faces, Georg's heart breaking for everyone.

"I love you Bri, and don't you doubt it for a minute." Maria spoke to her.

Brigitta took a deep breath, trying to collect herself but to no avail before saying the words she had never dared to say since that day five months ago "You know,..." she sniffled backing away from the hug but still holding Maria's hand "for five months, you were the best mother I could ever have." Brigitta cried once again and hugged her, Marta and Gretl grabbed her sides.

How could Maria possibly leave? How could she neglect these children? Turn away from her heart? She cried as well and looked over to see Georg and the older children watching. This was so much harder than she imagined, but it was right. 'Go with your gut' Agathe used to say.

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