Love at first sight?

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they all stopped talking a looked at me mike smiled and walked up to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me over to them "ok (Y/N) you know Jeremy and me but this is fritz." the fat one waved "hey I saw you running today!" I said fritz's laugh nervously "he yeah I was a little late.." they laughed a little "hey mike who's that guy?" I asked and the purple guy smirked mike sighed "that's..... Vincent..." mike glared at him Vincent just chuckled and came up to me "and you must be (Y/N)~" his face was in mine I felt the red ness in my face "OK VINCENT THATS ENOUGH!" mike yelled he just look at mike and said "oh mike I didn't know she was your girlfriend~" I swear I saw mikes face turn red and so did I and fritz's was dying of laughter "ok fine~" he backed off a little "so who is going to stay with me tonight?" I asked looking around "well me and Jeremy cant because we got day shift and so dose fritz's s-" "IM FREE~" Vincent yelled making me jump 6 feet I landed in his arms "umm....sorry" "its fine sugar you can stay if you want ~" he said in my face which was as red as a tomato "I-I would l-like down p-please." I said he grinned and slowly put me down mike who was still read said " ok you grape if you try any thing I will have your head understand?" I look over at Vincent who had his arms crossed "yes mikey~" and with that they left and it was just me and him alone in the dark what could possibly go wrong. after about 30min he could not stop staring at me it creped me out a little "heyy (Y/N)~" I jumped a little and looked over my shoulder and there he was smiling at me "y-yes Vincent?" .no answer. "umm ok....." I turn around felling like he still is staring at me. he touched I shoulders "you look stressed out let help you~" I jumped and yelled "NOPE IM GOOD...."
------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP TO 6AM---------------------------------------------------------------;3-----------------------------
after a weird and crazy night I go home and take a nap then a shower then left for the day shift. on the way there I thought about what Vincent did and you liked it but didn't at the same time. 'he is kind of cute' I thought to my self

In love with a monster purple guy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now