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(y/n) POV
I snapped back "WELL THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU HURT HER!" I smacked her. She cried harder. "WILL YOU STOP! YOU DONT NEED TO CRY I DO BECAUSE YOU HURT MY BABY!" I smacked her again but this time with the knife. A huge slash was on her fore head. "HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING CUT?" She screamed in pain. "IT HURTS!" I laughed "WELL WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO VIOLET?" I sliced her again and again until I couldn't here her screams. I looked down at my hands, there was blood all over them and on my cloths. I was breathing vary heavily. Lilly was covered in her own blood. There was so much that you couldn't see her face. I look at Vincent he had a shuck look on his face. Then he smiled. He dropped the lifeless body and was face to face. He kissed my lips and said "Come on let clean up and go home." I gave a weak smile and cleaned up the room. We buried the bodies in the back. We going home to see that Jeremy was asleep on the couch a violet was in her bed sound asleep. "Jeremy get up." He groaned and sleepily got up. "Hey w-what did you do?" I giggled "well.. we took care of 'stuff'." He smiled and walked out the door. I sat down and sighed. "What have I done I just killed a little girl and her mom." Vincent sat down and pulled me closer "Well yeah but she hurt our daughter." I smiled "Yeah true.." He kissed my head and we ended up falling asleep. I woke to the smell of breakfast. "Wait let me guess we are having toast?" he chuckled "Yes ma'am we are." Violet came running down "ARE WE HAVING TOAST?" She yelled in joy "Yes sweetie we are!" after that Vincent dropped violet of at school and went to work. I decided to go to the store and pick up some bread. "So it will be $ 5 and 50 cents!" I nodded and gave to boy the money and left. As I was walking I felt like someone was following me. I turned around to see no one. 'hmm just my imagination' I thought to myself. I kept walking tell I felt a hand cover my mouth and drag me to a ally. "Give me your money and if you yell I will kill you!" I looked at him and said "I don't have any.." He started to smile. "Well then I guess I will take you instead~" He pushed me angst the wall and took my pony tale out. I looked around to see if any one was there but there wasn't. I wanted to scream but I knew he would kill me. He slowly licked my cheek and his hands slowly went down to my chest. I smacked him and he flew back. I started to run but he chased after me. I saw Vincent's car. I saw him in it. I ran in front and waved my hands but the man came up behind me and pushed me down on the car. I started to scream "VINCENT HELP ME!" the man smacked the back of my head "SHUT UP BITCH!" Vincent jumped out "HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WIFE!" He punched the man and threw me in the car. I saw violet who looked scared. "Mommy whats going to happen to that man?" I looked at her and hugged her "He's going to heaven sweetie."

In love with a monster purple guy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now