I love you till the end of the world

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{week later}
I noticed that my bank account lost over 100 dollars. " oh HECK NO!" I run down stairs where that purple idiot was "OK MISTER WHAT DID YOU BUY THAT WAS OVER 100 DOLLARS?" He smiled and sighed "I really wanted it to be a surprise but I guess you caught me~" he got up and pulled out a small black box. He got down on one knee and opened the box, it was a ring, a diamond ring "W-What are doing vinny?" I knew what was going on "(Y/N) well you marry me?" I stud in shock. tears in my eyes I started to smile "Y-YES OF CURSE!" I jumped on him. I could not stop kissing him. It was hard not to sleep last night I just could not wait till the day we got married. I talked to him in the morning "can we have a party then tell every one?" he smiled "what ever you want." I squealed in happiness. I got my phone and called every one who worked at Freddy's. they all came over. We had dinner and what not then at the end we told them the news. "C-Congrats guys!" fritz was in the fridge, but still herd "WHAT WOW NICE!" mike clapped and so did PG "So yall still gonna work here?" PG asked. me and Vincent kind of shrugged "maybe." we laughed. They left and it was just me and him. "WAIT!" I yelled. He jumped a bit "HUH?" "My parents have never met you." his eyes went wide "ummm........" I looked at him "you scared of my parents?" he did look scared. "well...." he scratched the back of his neck. I bussed out laughing, he blushed a bit. "ok but you have to meet them." he sighed and said "ok..." we went to bed.
Vincent's POV
"YES MOM WE WELL BE THERE AT 6 I PROMISE!" I sighed. I wasn't scared of her parents its just that im not good with other people who Is not a girl, like mike and the guys it took me a long time to get out of my shell. (Y/N) came running down with toast in her mouth. "COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!!!" she grabbed my hand and threw me in the car. She drove like a crazy person. "OK YOU CAN CALM DOWN NOW!" She looked at me with one eye twitching and a huge smile on her face. I snuck in my seat "sorry....." I fell asleep and woke up to the most annoying sound "OH HI HONEY WE MISSED YOU!" I jumped in my seat "GAH!" I screamed. I guess the noise was (Y/N)'s mom.Great. "Oh that most be your boyfriend!" I put on a fake smile and waved. I got out of the car and I was instally greeted by a huge. I looked down to see a short lady who looked like (Y/N). "You must be Vincent!" "um yes ma'am I am." I look over at (Y/N) who was red. "MOM OMG GET OFF HIM!" she started to laugh and let go of me. I even laughed. 'ill be ok here' I thought to my self happily.

In love with a monster purple guy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now