The plain

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We walked up to the school. Vincent was not happy because he wanted to kill that brat but I said no. "Vincent if this doesn't work then we well move to another school." He sighed "Fine..." We walked in and saw violet's teacher. "Oh you must be violets parents. I'm ms.oatmeal." (LOL I don't know a name X3) I nodded and sat down in a seat. "So are you here to talk about violets school work or her grades because she is a vary smart child-'' "No its just that a little girl named Lilly has been bullying her for a long time and once she came home with a black eye. Did you know about that?" She cleared her throat "Um yes I did and I am so sorry about that..." "WAIT YOU KNEW ABOUT THE EYE? WHY WASNT I CALLED OR NOTIFIED?" She shuck in her chair "W-Well l um Well you see Lilly's mom told me not to because-" I jumped up and grabbed her by the collar to be face to face "YOU DO NOT DO WHAT SHE SAYS YOU GOT IT!" She started to shake "Um I-im sorry I cant-''

Vincent's POV
I looked at (Y/N) Her eyes where black with a white dot. I smiled "I would listen to her or the walls will be painted red." She smacked the teacher then yelled "IF VIOLET COMES HOME WITH MORE MARKS I WILL END YOU!" She threw her to the ground and stormed out. I waved goodbye to the scared teacher and got in the car.

------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP TO THE NEXT DAY--------------------------------------------------------
"I'm gonna go pick up violet bye." I got in my car and drove to the school. once I got there violet got in the front "Hey sweetie how was your day?" She had a hoodie on so I couldn't see her face. I herd a quit sob. "What's wrong sweetie?" she took the hoodie off and looked at me. She had a huge cut on her fore head. "W-WHAT HAPPENED?!" She started to cry "L-Lilly took some scissor's a-and-" She stopped to cry I drove home and yelled "VINCENT GET JEREMY TO LOOK OVER VIOLET." He came down the stairs "Why what h- WHAT THE HELL?!" He ran over to Violet trying to make sure she was ok. "DID SHE DO THIS?" Violet nodded. I called Jeremy and he came over "V-Violet what happened to you?" she ran over "a girl is being mean to me.." "I-its ok let uncle JJ take care of you." He picked her up. "Ok Jeremy we well be back soon. I kissed violet on the head and got in the car. We drove to Lilly's house. I knocked on the door. Her mom answered "UGH what do you want?" I hit her and ended up knocking her out. "Honey go get that brat!" He went up stairs and came down with the girl in a bag. We drove to Freddy's. Since it was Friday night there was no one there. We went in the back room and waited for the mom to wake up. She woke up screaming. I grabbed her and covered her mouth "Shhhhh I told you to stop with the bullying but no you had to not listen..." I guess Lilly woke up because she was yelling "MOMMY HELP ME!" But Vincent was holding her. I grabbed the knife and stabbed the mom in the stomach. She screamed in pain. Blood was coming from her mouth. she was drowning in her on blood. I stabbed her in the hand then whispered "Sleep tight." then stabbed her in the head. silence. It was broken by my laughter. Lilly was crying. I went up to her and said "Why did you hurt my baby? what did she do to you?" she sniffled "S-She had a dad and a mom who l-loved her.." she began to sob more. I froze.

In love with a monster purple guy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now