006. . .the truth

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( . . 𝐴𝐶𝑇 𝑇𝑊𝑂; 𝐶𝐻 𝑆𝐼𝑋 ━━━━━ ! ﹆◞ ❫

Mulan waltzed down the stairs clad in her spandex shorts and a grey hoodie with "Brooklyn" printed on it and in her hands another green juice she previously blended up. Since she made note of Tony's poor self-care skills she's been forcing him to at least drink his veggies if he can't bring himself to eat a full meal that doesn't 't come from a takeout box. At first Tony looked at Mulan like, Bitch, what the fuck did you just give me? But after the first sip, he's been hooked and astonished by how good it tastes with literal wheatgrass in there.

The garage doors opened with a mechanical whoosh and the sound of her feet slapping against the cold concrete entered the room. Mulan held up the full glass as Tony looked over eyebrows raised. "Your next round my kind sir." Mulan jokes in an elegant accent.

He throws back what's left in his glass then burps, Mulan whispers a small ew before handing him the glass. Tony winces as he moves his shoulder to take it. "That's what happens when you're irresponsible," She sing songs "You should be lucky I even went out my way to get that ice pack for you."

"Right, because up the stairs to the kitchen and back is too much work for you." Tony fakes a sympathetic smile.

Mulan pouts with a nod, "Yeah, yeah it unfortunately is. Y'know being basically an old ass grandma and all, I go up those stairs and," She tsks straining her neck muscles "I might not be able to come back down. It's a lot of work alright." She shrugs. Tony scoffs laughter and gulps his drink.

"Speaking of work, you're interrupting mine, rugrat."

"Oh, I'm sorry I'll take the drink and leave—" Mulan reaches her hand out.

Tony pulls the glass away from her grasp. "I'm sorry take the drink? Did I hear you right?"

"Yeah since I'm such a distraction I'll be taking MY drink—"

"Um, that's most definitely not yours. How about this? You leave the drink and take yourself back upstairs."

"Wow, this is the treatment I get, after all these years?"

Mizpah 𝖃 Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now