Dragon vs Warrior

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Ryuga's POV

As Ryuga walked into the stadium, he cast a glance at the crowd. Sitting in the bleachers were King's friends, Masamune, Toby, and Zeo, as well as Ryuga's friends, Kenta, Madoka, and Gingka, and to his surprise, Yu was also there, sitting next to Kenta. *What's he doing here?*

"Hey!" King greeted, waving and smiling.

Ryuga stepped in front of the stadium, raising his bey. He cast a glance at L-Drago Guardian. *Don't let me down...*

"Uh..." King stared at him for a moment. "Okay, jumping right in, I guess." He smiled and raised his bey as well. "Three!"


"One! Let it rip!" Ryuga and King launched their beys.

L-Drago and Variares charged toward each other before clashing in the middle of the stadium. Variares stumbled backwards after a few moments. L-Drago clashed with the bey again, flinging it further away before going to spin in the centre of the stadium. Variares looped around the bey from a distance, rotating left. Ryuga's eyes narrowed at the sight.

King meanwhile stared in awe. "It's-it's a-"

"Yes, it's a defence type!" Ryuga snapped, glaring at him. "Shut up and get on with the battle!"

King froze for a moment then he shrugged. "Okay, if you insist. Get him, Variares!" he exclaimed, swinging his arm.

Variares charged toward L-Drago, crashing into it with a burst of energy. Ryuga stood his ground. L-Drago was just as unmoving. It continued to spin evenly as Variares was flung off.

"Again!" King called, gesturing to his bey.

Variares attacked L-Drago repeatedly from multiple sides but still, the bey didn't budge. After several attacks from Variares, L-Drago countered with its own. Variares staggered back, allowing L-Drago to smack into the bey with a burst of energy. King let out a yelp, nearly falling over.

"Keep at it, L-Drago!" Ryuga ordered.

L-Drago clashed with Variares over and over again, each clash sending another burst of energy through the stadium. A fiery blue aura appeared around L-Drago. With one big attack, Variares was flung across the stadium, landing near the edge with a wobble.

King's breathing was harsh and ragged. "All this time and you still take my breath away," he remarked, gazing at Ryuga with a smirk.

Ryuga stiffened. "Shut up and fight!" he snapped, clenching his fists.

King raised an eyebrow. "What's it look like I'm doing?" Wiping the sweat from his forehead, King straightened up, his expression suddenly serious. "VARIARES!" A fiery red aura appeared around King, spiking his hair up and starting to turn it white.

Ryuga's eyes narrowed. "L-Drago!"

L-Drago charged toward Variares. This time when they clashed, however, Variares stood its ground. Ryuga growled. The same fiery aura flared up around Variares and flung L-Drago away with a shockwave. Ryuga struggled to hold his ground. L-Drago met Variares's attack, the two beys sending up sparks as they clashed. Variares flung L-Drago backwards. In response, L-Drago returned to its defensive position in the centre of the stadium. Variares circled around from a distance. King looked up at Ryuga with that aggravatingly arrogant smile.

"Whatcha waiting for?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Come at me, tough guy."

Ryuga let out a growl. "L-DRAGO!"

L-Drago charged toward Variares. All Ryuga could think about was wiping that stupid smirk off King's face.

King shifted in place. "Ares shield!" he called.

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