The Final Battle

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(Author's note: Yeah, this one's early too since the last one was early. I will get back on schedule with these though don't worry. This was just a weird week.)

Ryuga's POV

"Go Sagittario!"


"Hit 'em hard Leone!"


The four beys were sending up sparks as they smacked into each other over and over again. Ryuga watched them closely. The winners of this tag battle would be his and King's final opponents and all four of them were formidable fighters.

"Who are we rooting for?" King asked, turning to him.

Ryuga dipped his head. "Doesn't matter. Either team would be a strong opponent."

Yu leaned forward from King's other side. "He's rooting for his brother, duh," he answered with a smirk.

Ryuga glared at him. "Shut it."

Yu just giggled in response. He was sitting between King and Tsubasa, with Madoka on the far right. In the row just behind them, were King's friends: Masamune, Toby, and Zeo, all their gazes locked on the battle going on below. The four beys were still clashing. With a burst of energy, Leone knocked Pegasus back.

Kyoya turned to his teammate. "Benkei, move to the centre!" he ordered, sending his own bey there.

Benkei nodded. Bull backed away from Sagittario and went to rotate beside Leone.

"Hey! Come back here!" Kenta called, sending Sagittario after him.

"Lion Gale Force Wall!" Kyoya exclaimed. A twister began to roar to life around Leone and Bull.

Kenta stiffened. "Get out of there!" he ordered, swinging his arm. Sagittario rushed away, going to spin beside Pegasus at the edge of the stadium.

"Goooo!" Gingka's bey suddenly threw itself into the air, climbing higher than Kyoya's twister. "Pegasus Star Blast Attack!"

Pegasus crashed through the top of the twister, slamming into Leone. The tower of wind quickly dissipated. Pegasus instantly began attacking Leone and Bull. Sagittario went to back it up.

"Go Gingky!" Yu cheered, throwing his hand into the air.

"Woo!" King called. His eyes were bright again as if he had completely forgotten what happened last battle.

Ryuga looked away, his eyes narrowed. He couldn't forget. He still bristled with rage at the memory:


"I have to use it!" Ryutaro's tone was crazed with fear as he summoned a spell circle beneath Ryuga and King. "Special move! Blazing Inferno!"

Around Ryuga, a fire roared to life. Blazing heat suddenly surrounded him. His eyes narrowed. It wasn't real, he reminded himself. Beside him, a yowl split the air, making his heart skip a beat. Ryuga turned to his partner. King flopped to the ground, his eyes turning red as he yowled in pain.

"KING!" Ryuga couldn't keep the fear from his voice. His eyes narrowed at Ryutaro. The fear turning his veins to ice suddenly blazed into white hot rage. "ULTIMATE MOVE!"

Blue flames roared to life around Ryuga, drowning out the flames of Blazing Inferno. L-Drago was encased in the same flames. Wasting no time, it charged toward Capricorn and Pisces, leaving behind a wall of fire in its wake before slamming into the two beys at once. Tobio and Ryutaro yowled as they were thrown toward the ground. A burst of blue fire exploded in the stadium. However, Ryuga didn't take his eyes off his targets, squinting through the bright light as L-Drago chipped away the metal of their fusion wheels. The light faded, replaced by a cloud of smoke. Beside him, King was whimpering like a kicked puppy, unknowingly adding fuel to Ryuga's rage toward the blader who'd reduced him to such a state.

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