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Ryuga's POV

Ryuga was sitting in the living room with King and Kenta, the three of them having watched Yugioh for the past few hours. Today was the last day King was spending in America. Yet they were spending it watching Yugioh, by King's request. Ryuga sighed. He was starting to think King was trying to distract himself from the fact that he would be leaving in a few hours now.

"Another," King ordered when they finished yet another episode.

"King, we've watched thirty episodes in three days," Ryuga replied bluntly.

"Is that a lot or something?" King asked, tilting his head to the side.

"It's most of this season!" Kenta exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"Really? Wow, short season."

"King!" King flinched when Ryuga raised his voice. Ryuga froze. Taking a deep breath, he continued, more calmly. "King... you're leaving soon, let's do something else."

"Did you really have to remind me?" King muttered, hugging his legs into his chest.

"Hm?" Ryuga raised an eyebrow.

"I mean..." King let out a sigh. "Okay..." He nodded, standing up off the couch. "Let's just... walk... together."

"King, are you okay?" Kenta asked, gazing at him in concern.

"Hm?" King turned to him with a smile. "What do you mean?" His tone was light but his hollow eyes betrayed him, clashing with his forced smile.

"You seem... off. Both of you kinda do-" Kenta's eyes went wide, the realization seemingly hitting him. "Oh..."

"Not now, Kenta..." Ryuga insisted, going to stand beside King.

Kenta let out an exasperated sigh. "You two are hopeless."

Ryuga raised an eyebrow. However, he didn't question him further and he and King walked out the door side by side. It was late in the afternoon, getting close to sunset. Ryuga and King walked in silence toward the forest, where there was no one else around but them. King stepped closer. He took Ryuga's hand with one hand, clinging to Ryuga's arm with the other and resting his head on his shoulder.

Ryuga raised an eyebrow. "King, whatever it is, you can tell me," he insisted, breaking the silence.

"I'm just really gonna miss you, that's all," King replied, nuzzling against him as he walked.

"You missed me last time too... and you weren't quite like this."

"It's nothing."

Ryuga let out an annoyed sigh. Part of him wanted to grab King and demand an answer but he knew that would get them nowhere.

"What time does your plane leave?" Ryuga asked.

King let go of Ryuga. When he met his gaze, King's eyes were clouded with sadness.

"You talk like you want me gone," he sighed.

"I don't!" Ryuga protested, stiffening with anger. "I'm... I'm trying to look out for you."

King let out a sigh, gazing at his phone. "A couple hours."

Ryuga looked away. He was going to miss King as well but he couldn't stand seeing him like this. The two of them walked in silence again. King's head was hung low, and he was fidgeting with his hands. If he was expecting Ryuga to start a conversation, he was in a much worse state than Ryuga had initially assumed.

Eventually, King stopped. He sat down against a tree, pulling his legs into his chest. Ryuga settled down next to him. King shifted closer, resting his head on Ryuga's lap. Ryuga stiffened. His face warmed up as he looked around to make sure no one else was around. Then he looked back at King. He remained still, unsure what King wanted him to do.

Ryuga x KingWhere stories live. Discover now