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(Author's Note: Since not much happens in this chapter, I'm publishing another one right after it on the same day.)

Ryuga's POV

For the next couple of weeks, Ryuga spent most of his time training. When he wasn't out training, he was usually either trying to learn Greek for King or watching the Yugioh sequel with Kenta and Yu. It wasn't as good as the original, but surprisingly decent so far. However, watching it didn't take Ryuga's mind off King like he hoped it would. In fact, it did the opposite. Maybe it was just the fact that he missed him but the main character reminded him of King. A lot. He was so sickly optimistic and fun-loving. Ryuga wanted to hate him so much, him and King, but apparently, it was impossible.

King was cute, dang it. Ryuga couldn't get his bright smile and glowing eyes out of his mind. Not to mention the way his normally soft hair spiked up and turned white during battle and the fact that King could actually keep up with him in battle. Ryuga never thought he would want someone to fight alongside him. However, after that tag battle with King, Ryuga felt as if the two of them could take on the entire world if they wanted to.

*Just us against the world...* Ryuga sighed longingly at the thought. He shook his head. *What am I thinking?! He lives in America and we're both boys! It's... impossible.* His eyes narrowed. The idea of something being impossible for him made his heart blaze with indignation. His first instinct was to prove that thought wrong, nothing was impossible for him; he was the Dragon Emperor! That indignation quickly turned to fear. The very idea of Ryuga being in a relationship... it had once seemed repulsive to him but now, it almost terrified him. Everything about it. The commitment, the way people would view him, the stress of keeping all this a secret like it was something to be ashamed of... It was too much.

Ryuga struggled to focus on his Greek lesson as all these thoughts raced through his head.

"Ryuga?" Kenta's voice shook Ryuga out of his thoughts.

He looked up at him. "Hm?"

"Yu is coming over later," Kenta informed, sitting next to him on the couch. Ryuga nodded, looking back at his phone. "Have you noticed that he's been here a lot lately?"

Ryuga didn't take his eyes off his phone. "Yeah, he's avoiding his house."


"He lives with Tsubasa," Ryuga explained, placing his phone aside and gazing at him. "Tsubasa took in Reiji."

"Oh..." Kenta looked away. "Yeah, that makes sense." He shook his head, looking back at Ryuga. "Wait, how long have you known this?!"

"A couple weeks."

Kenta looked outraged. "And you didn't say something sooner?!" Ryuga didn't answer. Kenta looked away, letting out a sigh. "What is Yu going to do? He can't avoid his home forever."

"That's none of our business, Kenta."

"Yes, it is! Aren't you worried about him?"

Ryuga admittedly was. He didn't think Yu would ever want to forgive him let alone be his friend. Now they were better friends than they ever were before, having found common ground they didn't have with anyone else.

"It isn't something we can solve," Ryuga replied, dipping his head. "Yu and Tsubasa need to work out their issues on their own." *I have my own problems to deal with anyways,* he added to himself.

"How are they going to work anything out if they're never around each other?" Kenta asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, what do you want to do? Tell Yu he can't come here anymore?"

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