A Secret Revealed

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King's POV

King was sitting on the couch in the living room. The room was empty apart from him and Kenta; Kenta's dad had left early in the morning while Kenta's mom and Ryuga were secluding themselves in their respective rooms. Tapping his foot impatiently, King gazed at his phone, waiting for some kind of notification: a call, a text, an email, some kind of message from the WBBA.

It had now been two days since his interview. That wasn't very long on its own but tomorrow Masamune and the others wanted to go back to America. Toby and Zeo especially were starting to get homesick. Guilt gnawed at King. If he didn't hear back from the WBBA soon, he would lose his chance to get a job there and end up stuck in America again. A ringing sound filled the air, shaking King out of his thoughts.

"I got it!" Kenta called, pushing himself off the couch.

He pulled the door open, revealing a boy around the same height with wild orange hair.

"Yu!" Kenta exclaimed cheerfully.

"Heya!" Yu raised his hand for a fist bump, which Kenta accepted. He stepped back to let Yu in.

"Hey Yu," King greeted with a wave.

"Oh, Princey..." Yu glanced at him curiously. "You're still here?"

"Yeah," King replied, nodding. "I convinced Masamune to let us stay for another week."

Yu smiled. "Nice." He began looking around the house. "So... where's your edgy boyfriend?"

Yu's tone sounded genuine. Still, King stiffened. He remembered Ryuga telling him he couldn't tell anyone they were dating.

"I don't have a boyfriend," King insisted, forcing a smile.

"Seriously?" Yu let out a groan. "He still hasn't told you?!" He marched toward the basement entrance, pulling the door open. "Ryu!" he called.

King froze. *Wait, does he actually know?* He'd assumed Yu was assuming or teasing them somehow despite his genuine tone. Footsteps echoed up the stairs. Ryuga emerged from the basement, closing the door behind him. Yu cleared his throat. He gestured to King, his eyes still narrowed at Ryuga.

"What is this about?" Ryuga grunted, glancing at King.

"I told him I don't have a boyfriend..." King explained, biting his lip. "Since... you know... you told me to."

Ryuga let out a sigh. "That was a lie." He grabbed King's hand.

"Oh!" Yu suddenly lit up. "Yes! Finally! Took you two long enough!"

King glanced at Ryuga. "How did he find out?" he asked, gesturing to Yu.

Ryuga looked away. "I told him."

King raised an eyebrow. "Just told him?" That seemed out of character for Ryuga: the guy who vehemently refused to tell anyone anything unless he had no other choice.

"I..." Ryuga bit his lip, taking a step back. He glanced at Yu.

"He knew he could trust me," Yu replied, his gaze suddenly dropping to the ground. "Because... well..." Kenta rested his hand on Yu's shoulder. Yu gulped. "I'm gay too."

"Oh... So you're the guy Ryuga meant..."

Yu glanced up at Ryuga. "You mentioned me?"

Ryuga dipped his head. "Not by name."

"When I came out to him, he said he knew another boy that liked boys." King smiled a little. "It made me feel a little less alone honestly."

Yu nodded. "Yeah, I get that. I really should've gone to you sooner." He smirked a little as he added, "Everyone could tell you were digging on Ryuga for like... ever."

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