The Tag Team Battle

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Ryuga's POV

Ryuga got home from another morning of training, just in time for lunch by the smell of it.

"Hey, kiddo," Kenta's dad greeted.

Ryuga's only reply was a nod. Avoiding their gazes, he sat at the table beside Kenta. Ryuga kept his eyes on his food: pakora. It had only been a few days since game night, otherwise known as the day he realized what his mess of feelings toward King were... Against his better judgement, Ryuga began ignoring texts and calls from the boy. He desperately wanted to answer them and felt guilty for ignoring King but he couldn't risk these feelings growing any stronger.

*It's just a slight attraction... maybe not even that,* Ryuga kept telling himself, *No reason to kick me out...* Ryuga cast a glance up at Kenta's parents before returning his gaze to his food. *I don't know that they'll kick me out and what does it matter if they do? I'm capable of surviving on my own, and I'll still be able to see Kenta...* The thought brought him no comfort. Ryuga sighed. It wasn't being kicked out that scared him, it was losing their love, love he had only barely begun to appreciate.


"Hm? What?" Ryuga glanced up at Kenta's parents.

"I asked if you wanted more pakora," Kenta's dad explained, gesturing to the tray in the middle of the table.

Ryuga wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible to continue training but... it was basically impossible to resist pakora.

"Um, sure." Ryuga scooted his plate forward. He looked away, taking his plate back when Kenta's dad passed it back to him.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Kenta's mom asked, her voice full of concern. "You seem kind of... distant."

"I'm always distant," Ryuga replied. Then he froze. *Wait, that's almost completely true... Why do they want to adopt me exactly?*

"Distant in a new way then. Like... there's something on your mind."

Ryuga stiffened. "There isn't."

Quickly eating the last of his pakora, Ryuga stood up and began walking away.

"More training?" Kenta's mom sighed.

Not turning to her, Ryuga nodded. *I haven't forgotten about my loss against Kyoya... a loss I will soon avenge.*

"Okay, be home by dark," Kenta's dad replied.

Ryuga pushed the door open and made his way out of the house. He gazed at his bey: L-Drago Guardian. *Just a little more training... then I'll find Kyoya and destroy him.*


Ryuga stopped. He looked over his shoulder. Kenta was dashing toward him, his bey and launcher in hand.

"You know..." He stopped beside him, smiling. "Most bladers train with other people."

Ryuga sighed. "Fine."

Kenta squeaked with joy and dashed in front of him. Ryuga followed at a casual pace. They made their way through the city mostly in silence.

"Where are we going exactly?" Ryuga asked, walking through the street at Kenta's side.

"Uh..." Kenta looked away, his hand resting on the back of his neck. "You'll see soon!" he answered with a smile.

Ryuga raised an eyebrow but didn't reply.

"Ryuga!" A familiar, and extremely obnoxious, voice exclaimed. Masamune appeared from around a corner several paces ahead, his launcher raised and pointed forward.

Ryuga x Kingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن