The Date

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Ryuga's POV

Ryuga spent the next few minutes freaking out... mostly internally. Partly pacing. *'Wear something nice?' What does that even mean?!* If it wasn't to get King out of a lie, Ryuga would've never agreed to go on a date, for a multitude of reasons. He dug through his drawers, gazing at a few button-up shirts. Ryuga never wore them, they looked too... nice. He stiffened. So that was what King meant...

*I hate him sometimes,* Ryuga rolled his eyes as he slipped on the white button-up shirt. He cast a glance at his black jacket, draped nearby on the dresser. That jacket was also "nice"... but probably not in the way King meant. Ryuga looked in the mirror. The buttons on his shirt were only a slight difference from how he usually dressed. However, it was a difference that made him look more stuffy.

Letting out a sigh, Ryuga made his way upstairs, silently praying Kenta's parents weren't in the living room. He knew they'd question him and he really didn't want to get into this. Ryuga pushed the door open. Of course, because destiny hated him, Kenta's parents were both sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey, Ryuga," Kenta's dad greeted with a wave.

Kenta's mom gazed at him. "You're... wearing the shirt I got you."

*Does it look nice?* Ryuga bit back the words. "It's... it's nothing," he grunted, walking past them.

"Where you off to?" Kenta's dad asked.

"Nowhere," Ryuga grunted, sitting down on the couch. He gazed at his phone. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for a message from King. Kenta's parents approached him from the kitchen.

"Wait..." Kenta's mom raised an eyebrow. "Are you going on a date?"

Ryuga stiffened. Then he let out a sigh. "So it was that obvious then?" he asked, looking up at them.

Kenta's mom chuckled a bit. "A little."

"Where are you two going?" Kenta's dad asked. He seemed almost tense, especially compared to his wife. "Is it in public?"

Ryuga winced visibly.

"Tamaki!" Kenta's mom exclaimed, slapping her husband's wrist.

Ryuga looked away. He narrowed his eyes, hoping he didn't look upset.

"No, no, Ryuga... I didn't mean it like that..." Kenta's dad insisted, sounding regretful.

"Doubt it," Ryuga growled, clenching his fists in an attempt to get his hands to stop trembling.

"Kiddo..." There was that worried tone in Kenta's dad's voice as he spoke, "I don't have any problem with you dating King, you know that. I just... you know how people are. I'm scared for you, Ryuga."

Ryuga glared at him. "You think I'm not?!" he exclaimed, his rage boiling over.

Kenta's dad stared at him with wide eyes. "I... I'm sorry..." He dipped his head. "I don't want to make you more nervous..."

Ryuga looked away. He couldn't bring himself to be upset with his dad when he was clearly regretful.

"Don't be nervous," Kenta's mom cut in, sitting next to him on the couch. "You've gone out with King plenty of times, haven't you? You just never called them dates."

Ryuga dipped his head. "I... guess that's true."

Kenta's mother suddenly began straightening out the collar of Ryuga's shirt. Ryuga looked away, his eyes narrowed. He didn't actually mind Kenta's parents touching him as much anymore but he still felt the need to act like he did.

Ryuga x KingWhere stories live. Discover now