Game Night

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Ryuga's POV

Ryuga launched L-Drago. His bey weaved through some rocks, occasionally breaking through them when the turns were too sharp. However, his mind was racing with thoughts of a few days ago. Ryuga, after a morning of training, had gone toward the city to find King and Gingka battling in the abandoned stadium. Curious, he decided to watch from afar. King put up a good fight but still, Gingka had won the battle. Yet despite his loss King still wasn't bitter or angry. *Maybe he's just hiding it? If that's the case, he's pretty good at it...*

However, Ryuga was sure King wasn't pretending to like him. That seemed too real. King was constantly complimenting him, calling him "emperor," and even drooled over him breaking rocks with his bey yesterday. King's admiration for Ryuga was real and very obvious. *It's a combination of admiration and wanting to be my friend...* Ryuga stiffened, his bey stopping as well. *He's just like Yu! Except... King knows what I've done and what I'm really like and still seems to like me...* Ryuga struggled to shake his head clear. He gazed back at L-Drago, spinning impatiently in front of him.

Ryuga held up his hand. Grabbing L-Drago, Ryuga cast a glance at the sky. The sun was still high in the sky, though angled more toward the west. *Today's Friday... game night!* Ryuga had missed the last one due to being so busy training. He cast a glance at L-Drago. *I need to train in order to rematch Kyoya...*

At that thought, King's words rang in his head: *Taking breaks is important too. It helps you not feel burnt out and improves your focus when you do return to training.* Ryuga wondered if that was actually true. He dismissed it when King first told him but he did feel less tired today. It was also easier to focus. Well, until he started thinking of King that is. *Maybe there's some truth to it... and I have been training all day...* Ryuga let out a sigh. *Okay, fine. Game night it is.* Putting his bey away, Ryuga began making his way toward the city.

"Hey, Ryuga!"

Ryuga froze. *It's him!* Ryuga's heart fluttered as he turned to King, who approached him with that cheerful smile of his.

"I've been looking for you," King informed, holding up his phone. "You really don't know how to answer a phone, do you?"

Ryuga's eyes narrowed. "I was training. Why would I take my phone with me for training?"

King shrugged. "Fair enough." Ryuga started walking again "Where are you off to?" King asked, walking by Ryuga's side.

Ryuga briefly considered lying or telling King to mind his own business. However, he knew King wouldn't judge him for the truth.

"To see my friends."

"Oh..." King skidded to a halt, looking away. "Sounds fun. You should probably get to that," he replied, turning and starting to walk away.

Ryuga stared at him. *Wait, I don't want him to leave yet!*

"Do you want to come with?" The words slipped out before Ryuga could process them. Ryuga was about to take it back when King turned back to him, his eyes practically glowing.

"Uh, yeah!" King nodded eagerly, rushing back toward Ryuga and suddenly taking his hands. "I'd love to!"

Ryuga froze, his gaze shifting between King's huge blue eyes and his soft hands. King let go, taking a step back.

"So, what are you guys gonna do?" King asked, putting his hands behind his back.

"Play card or board games," Ryuga answered, starting to walk again. "Whatever Gingka brings. Mostly Uno."

"Heh, that's a good one." King walked at Ryuga's side, almost close enough for them to brush against each other. "You know, I've always wanted to play Jenga," King remarked, gazing up at Ryuga with a smirk. "It looks so... chaotic."

Ryuga x KingWhere stories live. Discover now