Saying Goodbye

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Ryuga's POV

Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, Ryuga made his way upstairs. It was the middle of the day and King and his friends were on their way to the airport for their flight to America, which Ryuga was joining. He let out a sigh. He didn't particularly want to travel so far but he wanted to support King. So he agreed to this. Ryuga pushed the door open, stepping out in the living room.

"Ryuga!" Kenta's mom called after him, nearly making him jump out of his skin.

"Gah?! What?!" Ryuga exclaimed, glaring at his parents.

Without warning, Kenta's parents suddenly hugged him.

"Take care, sweetie."

"We'll miss you."

"I'm only leaving for a few days," Ryuga grunted, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah..." Kenta's dad met his gaze, his eyes narrowed. "This time."

Ryuga froze. So that's why they were anxious...

"I already said I wouldn't do that again," Ryuga insisted, dipping his head.

"We know... we know..." Kenta's mom sighed.

They still didn't let go of him. Letting out an annoyed sigh, Ryuga reluctantly returned the hugs.

"King is waiting for me," Ryuga grumbled, letting go after a few seconds. Kenta's parents finally let go. He was about to turn and walk away when-

"Jump hug!" Was the only warning Ryuga got before Kenta lunged at him, throwing his arms around him. Ryuga wobbled back, barely catching him.

"Kenta?!" he exclaimed.

"Hug. Now," Kenta ordered.

Ryuga rolled his eyes and returned the hug.

"Now can you let me go?" he asked, kneeling on the ground.

"Fine," Kenta sighed, letting go of him. "Go be with your boyfriend." He looked away, folding his arms crossly.

Ryuga raised an eyebrow. "I'll be back in a few days," he replied, ruffling Kenta's hair.

Kenta giggled. "You'd better," he replied, shooing Ryuga's hand away. He looked up with a smile. "And you'd better tell me all about the trip when you get home."

"I will," Ryuga insisted, turning to walk away.

"And call us!" Kenta added.

*Us?* Ryuga stiffened. *Oh shoot he's talking about his parents!*

"I'll do what I can," Ryuga replied, pushing the door open. Without another word, he closed the door behind him and let out a sigh of relief. Then he took off running.

When he reached the airport, King and his three friends, Masamune, Toby, and Zeo were outside waiting for him.

"There you are!" King exclaimed, dashing toward him. Then he raised an eyebrow. "What took you so long?"

"I got held up," Ryuga grunted, stopping in front of them.

King smirked. "By your family?"

Ryuga growled, looking away. "Are we going to miss the plane?" he asked, changing the subject.

"It's supposed to leave in ten minutes," Masamune informed, gazing at his phone. "If we leave now we can still catch it."

Masamune turned and jogged off. Toby and Zeo trailed after him while King walked at Ryuga's side. On the plane, Ryuga and King ended up sitting together, with Masamune directly across from King in the aisle. The two of them talked nearly the entire plane ride. Meanwhile, Ryuga stared out the window most of the time, almost completely spacing out.

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