Meeting the Parents

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King's POV

King and Ryuga were out in the forest together, training with their beys for the third day in a row. They were in front of a tall cliff just before some mountains. L-Drago was circling Variares, its blue flames starting to appear around it. The fire grew higher and higher.

"Joint special move!" King and Ryuga exclaimed in unison.

L-Drago clashed with Variares, flinging it toward the boulder. Then it leapt after it. Variares hit the cliff first, cracking the surface like an egg. L-Drago clashed with Variares, pushing the bey further into the cliff. Blue fire streaked behind it. The two beys flew out the other side of the cliff as it crumbled behind them in blue flames. A cloud of dust settled over the area. Variares and L-Drago landed on the ground side by side, their spins still stable.

King squealed with joy. "That was awesome!" he exclaimed, snatching up his bey. "We're gonna destroy them this time!"

Ryuga snatched up his bey. "Want to get that rematch tomorrow?" he asked, dipping his head.

King smiled. "Yes! That's perfect! My last battle before I..." He froze. The realization that he would be leaving Japan suddenly crashed down on him like a meteorite. He looked away with a sigh.

"King?" Ryuga sounded confused.

"Before I... leave. I'm leaving Japan tomorrow night..."

"Then we have to win the battle tomorrow." There wasn't a hint of sadness in Ryuga's voice, just blunt determination.

"Yeah..." King nodded. "I guess we do..." He let out a sigh, leaning against the nearest tree. "Can we sit for a bit?" he asked, sitting down with his back to the tree.

Ryuga settled down beside him.

"I wish I didn't have to leave..." King admitted, turning to him. "I know that sounds silly."

Ryuga shrugged. "Not really." His voice was even.

"I... I'll miss you." King scooted closer, searching Ryuga's gaze for any signs of sadness he might be keeping at bay. Anything that showed he would miss him too.

"You have my number, just call me..." King's heart lifted at his words. "At a reasonable time, if you can."

King giggled. "I'll try to avoid waking you at three am. What's the time difference between Japan and America?"

"Depends on where you are in America," Ryuga answered with a shrug.

"New York."

"Thirteen hours."

"How do you know that?"

"I've been there."

King raised an eyebrow. *Has he really?* Shrugging, he scooted closer to Ryuga and rested his head on his shoulder. King smiled. Ryuga did nothing to requite the touch but he didn't push him off either.

"Are we just going to sit here all day?" Ryuga grunted, shifting in place.

"Why not?" King's voice was hardly more than a whisper. "You're so comfy... I mean!" His heart skipped a beat. "It's so comfy." King moved his head away, letting out a sigh. "Should we do some more training?"

"We've done enough for one day. We're ready to defeat Gingka and Kenta."

King turned to Ryuga. "I won't let you down this time," he replied, dipping his head.

"I know."

King smiled. "Hey... I haven't seen where you live yet. Wanna... introduce me to your parents?" he asked, leaning toward him.

Ryuga x KingWhere stories live. Discover now