Making Plans

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(Author's note: Wattpad is finally working again so here's a new chapter.)

King's POV

As King began to wake up, he immediately remembered he wasn't alone. Ryuga laid beside him, an arm around him. King's eyes fluttered open. The only source of sunlight was shining from up the stairs as there were no windows down here. In that dull sunlight, he could clearly see Ryuga. He was still fast asleep, his eyes shut and his breathing slow and even. He looked so peaceful... King couldn't help but stare at him. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't hear the door open, or Kenta's mother's footsteps.

"Ryuga, do you-"

Ryuga's eyes popped open. In an instant, he sat up and moved away from King. Kenta's mother was at the foot of the stairs, falling silent as she gazed at them.

"Oh... I was about to ask if you'd seen King..."

King shrugged. "Technically, he hasn't." He giggled at his own joke. King wobbled a little as he stood up. He gazed at Ryuga. "Come along, my emperor,~" he teased, holding out his hand.

Ryuga glared at him. "King, stop being weird," he growled, lightly slapping King's hand away as he stood up beside him.

"Flirting isn't weird," King insisted, gazing up at him desperately.

But Ryuga was already walking toward the stairs. King followed behind. By the time King got up the stairs, Kenta and his parents were already at the table with Ryuga going to join them. King began pouring himself a glass of milk.

"Hey, Kenta." Kenta's dad gazed at his son with a smile. "You missed it, Ryuga called Akira 'mom' yesterday."

Ryuga looked away, smacking his glass of orange juice down on the table.

"Wha- really?!" Kenta gasped, gazing at Ryuga with bright eyes.

"Don't talk about it..." Ryuga grunted, taking a sip of his drink.

"So it's true then?" Kenta giggled. "Then I'm allowed to call you 'brother' now, right?"

Ryuga rolled his eyes. "No, no you are not."

Kenta frowned. "When will I be allowed to call you 'brother' then?"


Kenta let out a disappointed huff.

"Maybe not never," King cut in with a smirk.

Ryuga glared at him. King just continued smiling as he took a sip of milk.

Later that morning, King secretly filled out the job application and dropped it off at the WBBA. He was careful not to be seen by anyone but the director. Thankfully, Masamune, Toby, and Zeo didn't seem to be around in the city. King wondered where they were. He knew they had all decided to stay at Gingka's house. Maybe they were still there.

"Masamune? Toby? Zeo?" King called through the door.

"King!" That was Gingka's voice. The door opened, revealing Gingka and behind him, Masamune, Toby, and Zeo.

"Hey, King!" Masamune greeted, throwing his arms around him instantly.

Zeo and Toby stayed back. They were both smirking in a knowing way. King let go of Masamune.

"So..." Zeo leaned on the doorframe. "We heard you and Ryuga are together now."

"Wha-" Gingka turned to him with wide eyes. "They are?!"

"I uh..." King bit his lip, his cheeks stinging. "I kinda blurted out a confession yesterday."

"Oh! That's what Masamune meant by you two needing to talk." Gingka smiled at King. "Congrats King."

Ryuga x KingWhere stories live. Discover now