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Blood Ties (part 1)

Emma stood in the med bay next to where Kendra lay sleeping. Suddenly, Kendra starts thrashing and crying, Emma having no clue as to what to do, panicked and tried her best to hold the Kendra down. 

"Hey, it's ok." Emma tried but Kendra didn't stop her thrashing "Gideon, get Rip!" Emma exclaimed panicking as alarms started going off.

A few minutes later, Rip and Stein come rushing into the med bay as Emma was still trying to calm Kendra down. Emma moved out of the way for Rip as he approached, Stein on the other side of Kendra as Emma watched Kendra, nothing but worry for her friend.

"Carter! Where's Carter?" Kendra cried as Rip only looked at the girl with pure shock, no idea what to do?

"He's gone, Kendra. I'm so sorry." Stein said as Kendra continued wailing

"Gideon, turn that bloody noise off!" Rip exclaimed as he walked to the monitor 

"Yes, Captain." Gideon obeyed  and the alarms stopped blaring

"What happened?" Ray asked walking in and Rip turned his attention to a shaky Emma. 

"What the hell happened?" Rip asked her urgently

"I don't know." Emma answered as she stared at her friend "One second, she was still and sleeping and the next she just started thrashing." Emma answered finally turning away from Kendra looking to Rip and then leaving the med bay to go back to the bridge.

"Saunders appears to have had a complication." Stein said, and that was the last thing that Emma heard as she made her way to the bridge. Leaving the men to deal with Kendra as she had no clue as to what she should do.

Emma made her way back to the bridge, sighing. Not long after, Rip made his way back to the bridge as well.

"Pieces of the dagger have apparently broken off and are, as we speak, en route to her heart." Rip informed Emma, Sara, Jax, Mick, and Leonard.

"Can't we just time jump into the future where they got the stuff that can fix her?" Jax asked

"This ship is from that very same future and has, thus far, been unsuccessful in saving her." Rip disagreed

"Kendra wouldn't survive the time jump anyway." Leonard added in and everyone but Emma, gave him a look of shock. "I pay attention." He said, noticing their looks.

"To sum up, Carter Hall is dead, the girlfriend's no too far behind, Vandal Savage is sitting pretty in 1975, which we're now all stuck in." Mick said "That how the plan supposed to work, Rip?" Mick asked him irritatedly

"Obviously not," Rip denied "but the mission is simple. We--we stop Vandal Savage here in the past and we save the future."

"Simple don't mean easy, Captain." Leonard said and Emma couldn't help but hum in agreement.

"Oh, I never said it was." Rip said shaking his head "The benefit of being a Time Master is that the length and breath of history gives one..." Rip trailed, inhaling "perspective." Rip finished "I've seen darker days. I've seen men of steel die and dark knights fall, and even then I accomplished my mission no matter what." Rip said before walking to the console "Gideon, what is our status?" Rip asked as Emma's eyes followed him.

"When the Waverider was attaked by Chronos, the jumpship was damaged. Unless you make repairs, we will be unable to--" Gideon informed

"Wait, jumpship?" Jax asked, cutting Gideon off

"It's a small expeditionary vessel at the belly of the Waverider--you're a mechanic!" Rip said, exclaiming the last part, directing it to Jax "You'll have a look at it." Rip pointed to Jax

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