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Y/n's POV
I was on the couch watching over my two littles with Hanta beside me. Kaminari, Izu and Sho were out shopping They've been gone for a couple hours by now. The tv was on a cartoon that I didn't really mind. Kiri and Kats were sitting at the coffee table colouring. Hanta wasn't paying any attention as to him being on his phone. He looked tired too. "Do you guys want some mac n cheese for lunch?" I asked to the three boys. "Yeah!" Kat and Ei yelled in sync. "Boys please dont yell." I say heading to the kitchen to start the food.

As I was putting the mac n cheese in four different bowls I heard crying from the living room. I go over and see Kats crying, Hanta passed out, and a mad Kirishima. I sit beside Kat and pull him into my lap. "What's wrong baby boy.?" I ask him. "E-Ei wipped m-my dwawing fow ou!" He said as I looked over to Kiri. "Eijirou, why did you rip Kats drawing?!" I said sternly with my voice slightly raised. "He drew all ober mines wif bue!" He yelled obviously being frustrated. I was about to say something to the two boys when I heard "Mama..?" I looked over to Hanta and seen him rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Aww bubbas, did Kat and Ei wake you up?" He nodded. "Thats okay buddy, I was just gonna wake you for lunch anyway. Your bowl is on the counter so be careful. I'll be a few minutes." "Okie Mama!" He said as he headed to the kitchen. I look back at the other littles with a stern look. "Both of you are going into time out." Kat nodded still crying. "No!" Ei said as he ran away and slammed a door loudly. I got up and set Katsuki in the corner. "Be a good boy and stay here okay? If you dont, you'll be in time out longer." He nodded while I gave him his paci. I sighed and went to go look for Kirishima. I checked the two separate little nursery rooms but he wasn't there. I tried to open the door to our shared room but mostly my room but it was locked. I bang on the door harshly "Eijirou Kirishima we do not lock doors in this house! Open the door right now young man!" He didn't respond after I kept asking and banging. I groaned in annoyance and used my acrylic nails to open the lock. I step in the room and start looking around. I looked almost everywhere and didn't see him. I checked under the bed and there he was. He gasped as I grabbed his arm and dragged him to his room. I picked him up and placed him in one of the cribs, taking his favourite shark plushie and walking out of the room and closing the door. Right as I did that he started crying. It had been over 5 minutes trying to find Kirishima and everything so I go to get Kat out of the corner and go into the kitchen setting him in a high chair. I grab his bowl of mac n cheese and put it in front of him. "Do you want me to feed you baby boy?" He nodded quickly and I started feeding him. I could feel Hanta staring at us. "Yes bubbas?" I say looking over to him. He looked away "Can ou pwease feed me too.?" He asked quietly. "Hanta you're capable of feeding yourself, I need to help Kat cause he's younger than you." He nodded in understanding and looked sad as he continued to eat. Kat looked at him with a huge smirk and I lightly smack his thigh as he winces. After a while it had been about 20 or 25 minutes since I had to clean both boys cause they're messy eaters. I slightly giggle to myself before going to Ei's room where he's just sniffling and hiccuping now. As I entered the room he immediately made grabby hands towards me. I pick him up and bring him to the kitchen. I warm up one of the bowls of mac n cheese so he could eat. I put him on a chair and put his bowl in front of him with a spoon and leave the kitchen to go sit on the couch where I see Hanta sucking on his thumb. I run to his room and grab one of his pacis, running back to the couch and pulling his hand away from his face and slipping the paci into his mouth. He smiled, "Thank chu Mama!" "Your welcome buddy." Kirishima came out a few minutes later looking down and sat on the ground. "Buddy you need to say sorry to Kat and Sero please" He nodded and spoke "Im sowwy Baku and Im sowwy Sewo.." he said quietly. We watched tv for a bit as Hanta was cuddled into my side. The three boys that had been out for a long time finally came back. "Hey Y/n!" Denki said. Shoto waved at me and Izu ran to sit in front of the tv with a new pacifier and stuffy. "Hey" I said as Sho sat beside me and Denks say on the floor in front of me. "How was shopping boys?" I ask, "It was fine..Mido slipped and we got him two new stuffies and a paci he saw. It was kinda hard for me and Todo to not slip while in the store with him." Denki said. "Well you can slip now that you're with me!" I smiled at him and Sho. Shoto shook his head and then leaned on my shoulder. "I might just go to sleep..i'm too fuckin tired to slip right now." I glared at Denki, "You know the rules mister, dont swear." I say sternly and pinch his arm. "Ow! I can say whatever the fuck I want to!" He said narrowing his eyes at me. "Time out. Now." I said pointing to the corner. He ignored me and took his phone out playing games. I took his phone out of his hands and got up to go to the kitchen to cook dinner. I put Denkis phone in the drawer with a lock on it so he couldn't get it. He came into the kitchen and kept demanding his phone but I ignored him. I'm pretty sure he slipped into headspace because he sat on the floor and started to cry. "Mama speak to me!" I was right. But I still ignored him and I will continue to until its bedtime. I put chicken nuggets into the oven and start the timer. I then put fries into the air fryer and wait until they're done. Denks is still crying on the floor begging for me to acknowledge him. The food had finished and I placed the same amount on each plate and set up the table. "Boys! Get in here and eat!" I called for them. Denki just stared at me. All the boys came and sat down to eat. After they finished I told them all to go get ready for bed but Hanta. "Hanta can you please help me with dishes, you just have to dry them bub." "Okie!" We both washed and dried the dishes and I put them away after telling Sero to get ready to sleep. I didn't notice that Denks hasn't moved from his chair nor has eaten anything. I sigh "Denki you have to eat." I said leaning on the counter. He looked at me with slightly widened eyes and a smile. "Can ou help me.?" "Sure buddy." I walk over to him and feed him his food. After that I help him get into bed and I change a few of the littles into pull ups so they dont ruin their sheets. I was about to leave one of the rooms when Hanta tugged on my shirt. I looked at him with a confused face. "Can I seep wit you Mama?" He whispered to me. "Sure buddy" I smiled at him and we went to my room to find Shoto already asleep on one of the beds. Me and Hanta slept on the other bed that night.

My Little Boys~ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt