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Y/n's POV

I chased Izuku as Hanta went to deal with Katsuki. After I grabbed Izu I tried to make him wash the walls where he drew at but he started to throw a tantrum about it. "Izuku please stop! Mommy doesn't wanna have to deal with your dumb tantrum right now.." I say as I get more and more tired. He continued to throw his tantrum so I picked him up and and walked over to one of the rooms, putting him in the crib and leaving the room. He started screaming for me to let him out of the room. After a few minutes of him screaming I guess he figured out how to get out of the crib cause he started banging on the door. He couldn't use the door knob since they had baby proof covers over them. The loud noises caused Sho to start crying. I was about to go comfort him when there was a knock at the front door, I groan and quickly go to open the door. Once I open it I see Mitsuki and Inko standing there with smiles on their face. "Hey Y/n! Nice to see you." Mitsuki says with Inko nodding beside her. "Uh, hey! What are you guys doing here?" I ask, "We were around here so we thought we would come see our boys!" Inko says. "Also, what's all the banging and crying about?" Mitsuki says trying to look in, I quickly close the door so they can only see me. "It's nothing! Dont worry about it haha!" "Amor, who's at the door?" Hanta asked while walking over with Kat in his arms. I looked over to him putting my face behind the door and giving him a stern look and my hand in a shooing motion. He looked confused but went to sit on the couch by Sho who was still crying. "FUCKING LET ME OUTTT!" Izuku screamed. 'Oh he's getting a spanking later.' I thought to myself and look back to the two ladies in front of me. "Was that Izuku?" They both said. "Umm..maybe?" "My baby never cusses! What happened to him?!" Inko asked as she pushed the door open and ran inside to see all the littles, Mitsuki went in after her. They both looked shocked to see teenage boys acting like such children. Mitsuki looked over to her son, "Katsuki?" He looked over to her and he froze and started to cry. Hanta tried to calm him down and I went over to the room Izu was in. I open the door and he was about to hit me when I grabbed his wrist and whispered something into his ear. He started crying and once again, began to throw a tantrum. Hands and feet hitting the floors with him sobbing and everything. Inko came over to me and looked at her son in shock. "Why are they all acting like children.?" She asked, I sigh and start to explain. "They're in headspace right now, headspace is when a a persons mindset is set to a younger age. So it's like Izuku right now, is about three. They all use headspace as way to cope with stuff like stress or if they didn't have a good enough childhood." "Oh..makes sense since Izu always threw his tantrums." Inko said, I chuckled a little bit. Izuku looked up and finally seen his mother, he then got more aggressive and started throwing stuffies and toys at us. I sighed, "I'll deal with him when you guys leave.." I say as I close the door and walk to the living room. As I sat on the couch next to Mitsuki and Shoto I move him to my lap to make room for Inko. I try to comfort Sho since Izuku was still being pretty noisy he had his ears covered and was sobbing. After about 20 minutes, Mitsuki and Inko had to leave. We say our goodbyes and I watched them walk away to their car. Sho was calmed down now as well as Katsuki, Izuku was still having his long tantrum so I put Sho back onto the couch next to Hanta. "I'll be right back, I need to deal with that monster." I roll my eyes and head over to where Izu was. I open the door to him just laying on the ground crying. "Izuku, I need you in my room really quick." He weakly threw a stuffy at me. "Right now!" He got up and walked to my room with his head down. I walked behind him, "I need you bent over the bed with your pants down baby, okay.? Can you please do that for me?" He cried harder "Mommy Im sowwy! Please!" He hugged me. I hugged him back and stroked his hair, "I know baby, I know..But you were mean to Mommy and drew on the walls. You even made Sho cry!" He hugged me tighter and then let go, walking over the bed pulling his pants down. I smile and walk over to the drawer that had the paddle in it, I grab it and walk over to Izu. "After your punishment do you want some candy and cuddle?" He nodded but then looked up at me, "A-Angel milk..?" "Of course I can make you some angel milk!" I say smiling at him. He nods and puts his face back into the blanket.

20 Minutes Later

I pull up Izukus pants while he sobbed into my chest. "It's okay baby, you did so great for Mommy! After you calm down a bit I can make you your angel milk." I rocked him side to side in my lap for a bit. Hanta came knocking on the door and opened it, popping his head in. "Everything alright? You've been in here for so long." He asked. "We'll be out in a minute, I'm just trying to get Izu to calm down a little." Hanta nods and walks back out. I calmed Izuku down after about five minutes, he was just sniffling and hiccuping. I pick him up and bring him to the kitchen to make the angel milk he wanted and get him a few pieces of candy. I then take him over to the couch after I was done with the angel milk and I see that Katsuki, Eijiro, and Shoto were fast asleep while Denks was on his phone, obviously not in headspace anymore, and Hanta was also on his phone scrolling through Instagram. I sit down, "Open up baby boy." I say to Izu. He does as told and I start to feed him the bottle. Hanta moves Katsuki off of his lap and then leans onto my shoulder, then I lean my head on top of his.

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