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Time Skip (2 Weeks Later Cause I'm Lazy)

School has started and everyone was in the same class again. Denki and Izuku sat next to each other, Shoto and Eijirou, and then Hanta and Katsuki were both near. I sat by Hitoshi in the back corner of the room. It wasn't a problem now that we could both somewhat sleep in class if our father doesn't catch us. Mr Aizawa is our father, just not biologically but lot's of people think so. Our birth parents abandoned us for some reason. But not the point, class was beginning. We started with the first class that was free because it's the first day and Aizawa wanted to sleep. Then it was English with my other father Present Mic. Hitoshi and Aizawa are more alike each other and me and Mic are alike. I can be very loud and energetic and Hitoshi is lazy and quiet. We just watched videos in english. After a few classes it was lunch time. Everyone was in the cafeteria now. At our table was Me, Izuku, Hanta, Shoto, Katsuki, Eijirou, Denki, Hitoshi, and Hitoshi's boyfriend Neito. Everything was going fine for a few minutes until Eijirou pulled on my sleeve. "What's wrong Ei?" I ask as I look at him. His legs are crossed and his hands are by his crotch. "I need to go potty.." He says looking down. I sigh and take his hand and quickly go to the washrooms. "Honey I cant go in there with you." I say as I stop at the door to the boys bathrooms. He whines and was obviously about to start crying. "Eijirou don't do this right now." He continues to whine. I roll my eyes and pull him into the washroom making sure no one was in here I close the door and lock it. I open a stall door and help Ei take his pants down so he can go. I wait for him and then get a text. 'Kats -Icyhot slipped too and needs to piss so I'm taking him.' 'Me -Stop calling Shoto "Icyhot!"' He leaves me on read and after a few seconds I hear the door trying to be opened and then a bang to be let in. I unlock the door and see my two boyfriends. I let them in and lock the door again. Katsuki helps Shoto onto the toilet and then I help Eijirou pull his pants up. I wait for Katsuki and Sho to be finished doing their business. Seconds later their finished and they wash their hands. I look at Shoto and Eijirou, "I need you both to be big for me okay?" Ei whines snd shakes his head "No! Being big is for dummies like you two!" Sho yells. Katsuki crosses his arms trying not to yell at the two. "Shoto do not speak like that to me or Katsuki or you'll be given a punishment at home." He sticks his tongue out at me and runs out of the bathroom. I groan and then put my attention on Ei, "Baby can you pretty please be big for me.? I'll give you anything you want at home!" "Park? And den cuddles tonight.?" I nod, "If that's what you want then yes." "Otay!" I grab Kats and Ei's hand and walk out of the bathroom. We sit in our original spots and start eating again. A couple minutes later Shoto starts throwing a little bit of food around the table. "Shoto stop it. Eat your food and don't throw it." He still throws food at people. I pick up my food tray and move to the other end of the table to where Shoto is. I whisper in his ear, "You're getting spankings at home and time out. If you continue to act like this and still be in headspace before class there will be more punishments." That is what makes him stop and he eats his food. When lunch ended and we were walking back to class Shoto stopped me by hugging me. He was even crying, "I'm sorry mommy! I don want a punishment today! I'll be good, I promise!" "Shoto be quiet and slip out! Its class time now, be a big boy." He nods and holds my hand the rest of the way there.

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