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Y/n's POV

After the weekend was over I decided that each day, I would take one of my boys on a date since we haven't gone in a while, with just two people. We had a week off of school due to them needing to fix things in the school. I rip up 6 pieces of paper and write numbers 1-6 on them. I fold them and but them in a bowl. I walk into the living room where I seen Katsuki and Hanta. I mix the papers up in the bowl and put it in front of them. "I need you guys to pick a number." I say with a smile. "For what?" Katsuki rolls his eyes. "Just pick a damn number!" He sighs and picks a number, "I got one. Now what?" "Just wait. Its a surprise." I say giving the bowl to Hanta. He gets a paper out of the bowl just giving me a confused look, "Four?" He questions. I smile and make the other boys. Katsuki got 1, Denki 2, Eijirou 3, Hanta 4, Shoto 5, and lastly, Izuku got 6.

Time skip to an hour later

Y/n's POV

After I called in Hitoshi and his boyfriend Neito in to watch the boys while I take Katsuki out I pick his outfit and make him change. I picked out some casual, but fancy looking clothes. I could tell he was annoyed by me not saying what was going on but that didn't matter. I booked appointments at a fancy restaurant and a spa date since Katsuki likes to relax and is a fancy kind of person. He works himself a lot too so I think a massage would help him with his muscles and everything. My brother and his boyfriend get here I remind them of all the things to do with the boys and I take Katsuki's hand and walk to the car. We buckle in and Katsuki starts to speak, "Y/n you know I hate your "surprises" so can you tell me where the hell we're going?" He tries to ask calmly but the look on his face is extremely annoyed. "Im taking you on a date!" I said with a big smile on my face. I could see him kind of blushing, "But thats my thing!" He yells. "Stop yelling Kats, and its not only your thing so shut up." I say laughing. He rolled his eyes and leaned back into his seat. We arrive at the spa and see that there are two Masseuses waiting for us. They were both men which I didn't expect. I looked over at Katsuki and he wasn't even paying attention to them and looking at the surroundings of the spa. "Hello and welcome to (name of spa)! Are you two ready for your treatments?" One of the guys say. "Yes, we have been looking forward to this for a while now!" I say knowing Katsuki has wanted to go to a spa for a couple months. "Yes, why don't we get started hm?" One of the guys say. "She wants a girl for her massage." Katsuki says before I could answer. I look at him with a confused look but then with a little smirk. "Oh, yes that is possible if that is what you guys are comfortable with! I shall go get a lady right now, your room is down that hall down there! There is also a change room with two towels for you both." He says walking away to the back. I take Katsuki's hand and walk to our room. "You got jealous Kats?" I say with my smirk growing. He doesnt look at me, "Shut the hell up..!" He whisper yells at me. I giggle and we enter our change rooms getting on our towels. We step out of the room after and lay down on our stomachs on our stands.

So sorry but time skip i dont feel like writing all this

After an hour and a half of massages, we hurried to our reservation at one of Katsukis favourite restaurants. We arrive and take our seats across from each other in a booth. At first I stare at him for a while, "What are you looking at?!" He slightly yells at me. "My handsome boyfriend!" I giggled as he slightly blushed while looking away, "And dont yell! We are in a restaurant." I say slightly pouting for when he yelled. After a few minutes of Katsuki looking zoned out the waitress comes to take our orders. "Hello today, Im Kazui! I will be your server today what can I get you two?" She says with a bright smile while getting her note pad out. Katsuki looks up at her and then looks to me with a pout on his face. I, confused, made a small sign with my hand asking if he was little and he nodded. "I will get some Onigiri and ebi furai, and he will get kids chicken fingers and fries with some spicy ramen. Both of the drinks will be water please!" "Alrighty coming right up!" She says and walks away. "Mamaaaa! I waned apple juice!" He whines. "You dont need apple juice right now, and stop whining this is supposed to be a good time right now." I say holding his hand across the table. After getting Katsuki a colouring page and crayons the waitress comes back with our food. "Here you go! Enjoy your food." She says and runs off to another table. I look to Katsuki and he is already stuffing his face with chicken and fries. I laugh and eat my own food. A few minutes later when Katsuki had a few bites of his ramen he clears his throat so I look up at him knowing he's out of little space. "Why are you randomly taking me out on a date?" "Its not just you! We have the whole week off of school so each day im taking one of you guys on a date! I thought it would be good for you guys and myself since we haven't had time to really spend alone with each other one on one." He nods understanding what I meant and smiles at me, "Well thanks for the date babe. Its been great so far." He starts to eat his ramen again. "Aww your smile is even more cute when you're big!" I say as I slightly squeal. He rolls his eyes and eats the rest of his ramen. Minutes later we are both done eating so I pay and we head home. After we get there and walk up to the door I hear loud crying by what sounds like Hanta. I walk in and see that Hanta is in a corner crying into his stuffie. I walk over to Hitoshi, "Why is he crying? And why is nobody trying to help him!?" I say very concerned. "He started crying when he realized you and Katsuki left. Everyone tried to calm him but he kept pushing everyone away." He said shrugging. I sigh and walk over to Hanta, "Hey bubs, why are you crying?" He looks at me and instantly clings onto me. "I-I fought 'ou left me!" Hanta says as his crying softens. I hug him back and check the time, it was 8:30. "Buddy I think it's time for bed." "No! No no no! I wan' to be wif mama!" "Bud, you can sleep in my bed if you want to. Okay?" He nods and rubs his eyes. "Katsuki!" I call for him. "What?" He asks popping his head out from our bedroom. "I need you to change Hanta into pjs so I can talk to Hitoshi and Neito for a second." He nods and takes Hanta from me into his room. I walk to the couch and sit beside the couple. "How was everyone?" "Well other than Hanta, Shoto and Eijirou kept fighting and Denki kept cussing and hitting the others." Neito said. I was surprised because it was the three good ones that were bad and also surprised that there was nothing Izuku. "What about Izuku? Was he bad?" "No, he was out of littlespace for half the time and then when he was little he just watched tv and asked for a snack time to time." Hitoshi said. I nod and thank them for babysitting. I say my goodbyes to them as they leave and then go to my room to see Katsuki and Hanta cuddling together. I smile and walk out of the room to go talk to the other boys. I first walk up to Izuku, "Hey Izu, thanks for being so good to uncle Hito and uncle Nei! Im so proud of you!" He smiles and makes grabby hands indicating he wants up. I pick him up and go to the three boys that were bad. "Why were you all three bad with your uncles!? You guys are having early bedtimes until school starts again." "No! I don' wan' dat!" Denki raised his voice towards me. "Denki don't do this dumb stuff right now. It's bed time and I don't feel like dealing with your attitude." Izuku looks at me with wide eyes and covers my mouth. I give him a confused look, "dumb is bad word! cant say dat!" He says as he shakes his head. I smile and look back to a mad Denki and sad Shoto and pouting Eijiro. I tuck them all into bed and head back to my own room to get changed into pjs. After I change I lay in the second bed there was since I didn't want to interrupt Katsuki and Hanta sleeping. After a few minutes I start to doze off to sleep.

Omg, sorry for not posting for so long I couldnt think of anything to write😢

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