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Y/n's POV

After that we went to the store and everyone picked out their own candy, chips, chocolate, and soda. Everyone was satisfied with their treats we walked to the till and while waiting in like Shoto gasped and ran over to what was a small toy set that was a little bunny family with some gardening tools on the side. "Mommy can I get dis?!" He squealed looking at me. I shake my head, "Not today Sho, maybe next time." I say paying the cashier . He walks back over to our group with a little pout and he lays his head on my shoulder to start sulking. I ignore it and hand a couple bags to Eijirou and Hanta while I also take a few since there was a lot of candy and treats. Katsuki looks at me and makes grabby hands, "Buddy I can't carry you right now, I'm holding stuff and we're just about to the car." He whines and stomps his foot. I start walking to the exit, "If you're going to be like that by the time we get home, I'll give you early bedtime." He runs up and walks beside Shoto, holding his hand. "meanie.." he mumbles, "what did you say Kat?" I say as I sarcastically smile at him. "Nof'ing!" He yelled at me. "Hey! Dont yell at your mom little dude, that's not manly!" Eijrou buds in before I could say anything. Katsuki scoffs and continues walking with Shoto. I sigh and as we get to the car I open the back and put the bags in the trunk as Eijirou and Hanta hand them to me. Getting in the car I look over and see Hanta and Eijirou pushing each other outside. I roll down the window, "What the hell are you doing?" I say raising a brow. "Mommy said a bad word!" Denki gasped and covered his ears. "Im sorry baby I wont do it again. Now what are you two doing?" I asked again. "I wanna sit in front this time since Hanta sat in front last time!" Ei pouted crossing his arms and sticking his bottom lip out. "No! Fwont is a'ways mine! An' I wanna sit wif mama!" Hanta says as he clearly slipped. I roll my eyes, "Ei, are you really arguing with a 5 year old right now? Hanta, you're regressed and like Eijirou said, you sat in the front on the way here so he can sit in front this time." I look at Ei, "Eijirou, if you're sitting in front you can help him buckle up, as well as Katsuki." Eijirou smiles while Hanta starts silently crying while looking down. After he and Katsuki were buckled I drive back home. Once we get there everyone gets out of the car but Hanta. I walk over and open the door, leaning against it. "Are you coming in or what?" I ask. "Mm-mm!" Hanta shook his head and looked away. "So then I don't get any cuddles from you?! Oh my..then I guess my new cuddle buddy is gonna be Katsuki." I say wiping a fake tear and sniffling. Hanta whips his head over at me and quickly makes grabby hands. "No! Cuddle wif me! me, me, me!" "Oh my gosh Hanta, okay!" I giggled. I unbuckle and pick him up, kissing his nose. "Hanta why dont and Katsuki not like each other in littlespace?" I questioned because I notice they always argue and think everything is a competition while regressed, while when they're big, they get along so well and love on each other. "He gon' takes 'ou a-atten- atten'ion!" He yelled as he fumbled with his words. "Aww, baby almost all 5 of you have the same amount of attention. But you, Katsuki, and mostly Izuku like to be bad sometimes. So then I put my attention on the bad ones unless your punishment was being ignored." I explained, Hanta leaned his head on my shoulder and pointed to the front door. "You wanna go in bubs?" I ask as I felt him nod in response. "Alrighty" I close the car door and carry Hanta into the house. After getting settled with everything I'm sitting on the couch with Hanta in my lap clinging to me like a koala, Katsuki on my right, and Denki on my left. The other littles decided to lay/sit on the floor because they complained about there not being space on the couch. Half of them agree on a movie so I put it on but notice Eijirou pouting. "Ei, whats wrong?" I ask slightly leaning forward as he was sitting in between my legs. "I didnt want dis movie! It looks dumb" he crossed his arms. "Dont worry, we have all day for movies, you can pick the next one." He shakes his head, standing up and stomping his foot. "Well then would you rather watch this movie or stand in time out sweetheart?" He looks and sits back on the floor not saying a word. Halfway through the movie I noticed Katsuki's hand moving towards Hantas leg and I wait to see what hes doing. About a second later Hanta jolts up, "Ow!" He screeched as he rubbed a spot on his leg where Katsukis hand previously was. "Katsuki you can go sit in time out for a bit." I say going back to watching the movie. "Why?! I didn' do nothin!" "I watched you pinch Hanta, mommy has eyes ya know." He angrily pouts and goes to the corner. And that's basically how the weekend went, movies on movies and movies. Along with a few orders on take out and some punishments.

Sorry I kinda rushed the end, I just needed to post something cause I havent in a while

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