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Y/ns POV

It was the next day now and it was just about lunch time. Which I thought was a great time to take Denki to our date. "Denki, can you go get dressed please?" I say walking up to him as he is walking around in boxers. "Ughhh! Whyyyy" he groaned. "Cause we're going somewhere, hurry up." Saying as I get in casual clothing myself. "Mama! I come too?!" Hanta says as he rushes up to me. I look at him with a sorry look, "No buddy, its just me and Denki today. But I do need you to be big again today please. Or do you want me to call uncle toshi over? Or grandpa zawa?" A look of sadness came upon his face and he thought for a few seconds. "I wan uncle 'oshi..!" He said with a slight smile. "Okay bubs, go play now." He runs off to the living room and I dial my brother.

Hitoshi: hello?

Y/n: hey, are you able to come and watch the little while I take Denki on a date? It'll make Hanta more happy if you came to watch them.

Hitoshi: actually I cant watch them today, me and Neito are on our own date today. But I do think Dad and Father are free today.

Y/n: oh alright, have fun on your date!

"He didnt even say thanks or bye...rude." I sigh now dialing my dads.

Aizawa: Hey

Y/n: hey dad, are you free to watch the littles today? I asked Hitoshi and hes out

Aizawa: i cant im on patrol but I can ask Mic if you'd like.

Y/n: yes please!

Aizawa: ...he said he would be delighted to help. He will be there in 5 he said.

Y/n: okay! thanks dad, bye!

Aizawa: bye darling.

I walk out into the living room and tell my littles that their grandfather was coming over to watch them and I go to check on Denki and in his room he looks like he's about to cry. I walk up to him and sit beside him on the bed. "Whats wrong Denks?" I asked. He turned to me, "I cant get my cwothes off or on! Is too hard!" He said while rubbing his eyes. "Okay mommy will help you, do you want big boy clothes or little clothes?" "wittle!" he somewhat yells with a slight smile. "Inside voice Denks" i say while putting my finger up to my lips in a way to sign 'shh'. I walk over to the closet and pick out overalls and three shirts, one orange, one yellow, and one purple. "Which shirt do you want to wear with your overalls sweetie?" He puts his finger on his chin while he thinks "o'ange peas!" He yelled again. "Denki no yelling, I just said this." "sorry mommy.." he said in a hushed tone. "Its okay baby" I say while taking his clothes off. I take his shirt and then pants off and see he has no pull up on. I go back to the closet and get a pull up, Denki probably seen me grab it because he got up and ran out of the room. I set it down next to his clothes and walk out of the room to get him. Anytime I got close to Denki he would run again. "Denki! You need to get changed, you cant be running around in your underwear!" "No pull up!" He screamed. I groaned knowing this would take a while as per usual. "Fine, I wont put a pull up on you. Now go back to the room so I can change you into some clothes." He hesitated for a minute before running to the room. I also walk back to the room but I close the door and lock it while he wasn't looking. He was sitting on the bed with a smile playing with a toy and kicking his feet. Walking up to him I lay him down and take his undergarments off and carefully try to put the pull up on him. But of course it had to be more yelling and kicking. "You said no pull up!" He screamed as he tried kicking it away. Luckily after a few tries I got it on him. He was about to rip it off but I stopped him before he could, "Denki, if you take it off I will put you in time out." I say with a stern voice while I wiped his teary face. He rubbed his eyes while hiccuping, "okay.." he said in a hushed voice. I get him dressed and then take his hand to finally leave to go on our date. I walk out to see my father had already arrived and was playing with the littles. Hanta runs up to me, "mama I wanted uncle 'oshi!" he said a little sad that my brother wasn't watching him. "Whats wrong with me little man?" Dad said as he started to fake cry. "No! M' sorry!" Hanta yelled running up to hug dad. I smile and put mine and Denkis shoes on. I take his hand and walk out closing the door behind me.

Time skip

We arrived at the new theme park and Denki was so excited once he saw it. I paid for tickets and we went in. "What ride do you want to go on first hunny?" "I want the cups!" He yelled as he pulled me over to the spinning tea cups. I sigh but go with it because the downfall is I get nauseous of the ride. We give the tickets to the man who runs the ride and we take a seat waiting for it to start. After every teacup was full of people the ride started. At first it was fun but then I felt the need to throw up. I held my stomach until the ride stopped to which I ran to a garbage can and Denki laughed at me while I emptied my stomach. Hours later Denki was out of littlespace and we decided it was time to go. I drove us to the closest mcdonalds since Denki loves it and its not so fancy, which he likes. We ordered our food and waited at our table. I stare at him with my chin on my hands and he gives me a confused look, "You're so pretty Denks" I smile at him as a pink tint appears on his cheeks. "Dont say that!" He covers his face as he gets more and more flustered. Usually im not the flirty one in this situation but I felt like being flirty today. "Cmon hunny, I wanna see your handsome face!" He uncovered his face as the waiter comes and serves our food. We thank them and eat our food. After a little more flirting and talking we get up and head back home. When we get back it was a little late, around 8:30. Which 8 is when I told Mic to put the boys to bed if they were little. We walk in and its just Eijirou and Mic on the couch watching a movie. "Im guessing your big?" I asked Ei and he nodded smiling at me. I yawn and thank my dad for watching the boys and he leaves. I go to my room and change and plop on the bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me knowing it was Ei and Denks. "Goodnight boys.." I whisper half asleep already. "Goodnight Y/n" they both whisper back.

Next will be Kirishimas date!!😊😊

My Little Boys~ Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя